Hello! Well, my challenge with Mr. Ken has started. I have read and finished 2 of the 50 I have been challenged to read! I started book one on Wednesday and finished it Thurday afternoon. I began book 2 yesterday afternoon and finished it this evening. Baskin Robbins is looking better by the day. Watch out Mr. Ken!! My reading takes place around the other activities I have on my "get accomplished" list. Lots going on in the house because it is too wet to go outside. I feel like Sally and her brother in The Cat in the Hat! Please keep those in the flooded areas in your prayers. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello~ School is out as most of you know soooo hopefully I can post more often! So Mr. Ken asked me yesterday what I had planned for the Summer, I rattled off a list of things I hope to get accomplished. One of them being to read 50 books. Now Mr. Ken knows how much I love to read and that I am a pretty fast reader but being the feisty fella he is he said to me "That is a lot of books--do you think you can read that many before you go back to school?" Well, I said "Of course I can read 50 books, are you challenging me here?" He said "Well, yes I am." After much discussion on this challenge here is the deal: If I read 50 books--they must be adult books no kid books. I get to go to Baskin Robbins and Mr. Ken will have to buy me whatever I choose, if I don't then Mr. Ken gets to choose what he wants and I have to buy. I hope he has his pennies saved because I WILL NOT be losing this challenge!!!! If you would like to join in reading 50 books this summer, let me know. I will be posting updates on Fridays and let you know when I have found a goodie. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Thank youto all those who are currently serving and to those that are retired from service Thank You for keeping us safe! We appreciate your dedication, sacrifice and service to our country! For those of you who have today off, ENJOY! As you go back to work tomorrow, I will think of you as I am on SUMMER VACATION!!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
As you can see by the picture, mine is RED for Red Nose Day. I am sure that you have seen the commercials for today. Walgreen's is a sponsor for all this fun by selling Red Noses that money goes to the Red Nose Day Fund-a program of Comic Relief Inc. On a serious note Red Nose Day helps children living in poverty. All monies raised from today go to charities in the U. S. and over- seas. Some of those charities are : Boys and Girls Clubs of America charity : water Children's Health Fund Feeding America Gavi : The Vaccine Alliance Save the Children United Way Watch NBC tonight for the RED NOSE DAY SPECIAL For more information check out: rednoseday.org ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! We have returned! Got back in town at 10:00 pm last night. Let me introduce you to "Wild Rose", she lives in our backyard and look what she did while we were gone!
On Friday the roses had not bloomed, but with all the rain we had, many made an appear- ance while we were gone.
Such a nice surprise.
When I moved over here, this bush was on the fence line with another. But when we moved them, this one survived the other one did not. We don't do a whole lot to pamper her, water and trims here and there. That's it. Hence the name "Wild Rose."
Plus, there are still buds that will bloom soon.
So, so. so PRETTY!!
Thanks, Wild Rose for the surprise this afternoon! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello-- We are back from our trip to Oklahoma. The standout event for this trip was the weather! I will have a separate post on the Oklahoma family reunion trip at a later date. THIS weekend we are on the road again--- This time we are off to Illinois for a double graduation and birthday celebration for one of Mr. Ken's best friend's son. This young man is an extremely intelligent guy! He will graduate from high school AND Jr. College this weekend plus we will get to help celebrate his 18th birthday! We don't see this family often due their location and Ken's friend is in the Army so they are always on the move. Looking forward to the weekend. Hoping for better weather that we had on our trip to Oklahoma. Please keep us in your prayers for safe travels they helped while we were fighting with hard rain, wind, lighting and thunder plus flooding! There will also be a post on this trip too. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Mr. Ken and I are on the road again. We are heading to Oklahoma for a "mini" family reunion. We are looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend, hoping for good weather but think we will see a lot of rain. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and for good and safe weather. We appreciate it ! Also, Wishing all "Mom's" out there in blogland a Happy Mother's Day! We will be heading home on Sunday so will not be able to send my wish to you! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Tomorrow is May 5th OR Cinco De Mayo. For my husband this is a great day, he could eat Mexican food every day of the year! Me not so much. I enjoy it but not EVERYDAY! At school my classroom is having a Cinco De Mayo luncheon. IT's going to be yummy! Here is our menu: Queso with chips Tacos with fixings Brownies Soda/water Color Scheme: Red, yellow and orange Enjoy your Cinco De Mayo whether at home or a favorite restaurant. LA! LA! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday's Tip For the Kitchen: Stainless Steel Appliances For streak free appliances, use a soft cloth with vinegar and wipe in the direction of the grain. Toasters For those stuck on pieces, use a toothpick to dislodge anything hanging around. Stinky Garbage Disposal Toss in a 1/2 orange or lemon, turn on the disposal to grind up the rind now you have citrus smelling disposal. we do this a lot. Some say it also helps to sharpen the blade. Office---Work or Home Computer Keyboard *Mr Ken's biggest rule Please do not eat or drink over the keyboard. Neither is good if something spilled. Q-tips dipped in a small bit of rubbing alcohol can be used between the keys. Monitor Using equal parts vinegar to water and a microfiber cloth. Wipe the cool monitor to de smudge it. Use sanitizing wipes to clean phones, tablets, cell phones and remotes. *For those of who don't know, Mr. Ken lives and breathes computers at work each day. Friday's Tip Bedrooms Use the dust first then vacuum tip. Go through your closets and drawers,donate anything that is not worn any longer. My favorite: To clean a ceiling fan-place an old pillowcase over each blade, wipe clean-all the dust from the blades stays in the case and doesn't flutter all over the place. Take the pillowcase outside, shake out and throw in the laundry. Hope you have enjoyed this series. Did you find something helpful? Happy Cleaning!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~