Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Week of Fun---Part 1
Good Evening friends!
I am still here. Have been
having issues loading
pictures. It finally worked
tonight so on to VACATION!
As you may remember two weeks
ago we did a staycation-vacation.
On Wednesday of our week we went
to the National World War Museum
at Liberty Memorial here in Kansas
Here is one of the giant Sphinxes
located on the memorial deck.
This is "Future"--it faces West
with it's wings shrouding it's face
to symbolize the future that is un-
The tower rises 217feet from the
deck floor.(zoomed in) It was
built in 1926. It has an elevator
located inside that you can take
up the tower to a set of 45 stairs
which leads to the top of the
tower and visitors can walk
around the top and view the city.
Pics later.
This is "Memory"--it faces East with
it's wings shrouding it's face from
the horrors of the war.
We think that the deck was what
was dedicated in 1921 since the
tower was built in 1926.
The view from the deck. Facing
North one can see Union Station
and our fair city.
Here we go.
After getting our tickets we
walked across the glass bridge.
It depicts a field of 9,000
poppies, each representing
1,000 combatant deaths during
WWI. There is a lot of interesting
information on the web about the
significance of the poppy and wars.
The museum is divided into
two sections--The years 1914-
1917 and 1917-1919.
Each side shows aspects of the
war during those years. There
were several different cannons
on the "beginning" side.
A trench. Doesn't look
very comfy does it.
Imagine bombs and gun
fire going on all around
War posters.
The 1917-1919 section holds
this war ambulance.
Women became part of the war
during the 1917-1919. Nurses
and Red Cross workers. They
saw as much and then some
as the men did.
One of the quotes I remember
reading was from a nurse who
was treating a patient as a bomb
lands somewhere near the make
shift hospital in the field she said
"I was so scared I did not know
what to do, he was still out so I
just put a tray over our heads as
I ducked down."
I don't remember it word for word
but you get the drift.
Here we are at the top of the
tower. Remember Union
Station? Now look at it from
217 ft above the deck.
Here we are with the city behind
us. I'm getting pretty good at
these "selfies."
There are more pictures that I did
not post, you would be here All
day and there is more I could write
about and again you would be here
All day. Just know that this is a
spectacular place to visit, one that
you will not see in an hour. We were
here for somewhere around 2 1/2-3
hours and could go back and see
something that we did not see the
first time around. So if you are in
Kansas City take some time to visit
this wonderful museum.
Tomorrow we are off to see the
~Keep on Dreaming~
This is my 800th post!!!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Super Simple
I have a real quick recipe
for you.
Refrigerator Pickles
3 nice size cucumbers-
peeled and sliced
1 C Sugar/Splenda
1/2 C Vinegar
1 C Water
Mix together the sugar/
splenda and the liquid
Add the cucumbers, seal
and place in the fridge--
2 hrs. These will be gone
in no time so you won't
need to worry about them
going bad. :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
PS. Feeling a bit under the
weather, so vacation posts
have been moved to next
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Popping In
Good Morning Friends:
Just wanted to pop in and say Hi!
I hope everyone had a wonderful
week and that your weekend is
going well also.
We had a wonderful "Staycation-
Vacation." Lots of pics to come!
Well, gotta get back to catching up
around the house and getting Mr.
Ken ready to go back to work
Enjoy your Sunday. See you soon!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Look Oh, Look!
Did you see it last night?
The moon you say? No the
There are three full moons
and two (back in Jan.) new
moons. That is a total of
five Supermoons this year.
The next full moon will occur
on Aug. 10th and then another
will occur on Sept. 9th.
The full moon in August will
be the closest Supermoon of
the year.
According to the web a
Supermoon is "a new or
full moon at or near (w/i
90% of) it's closest
approach to earth in a
given year."
So if you missed this
one check out the on
in August!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, July 10, 2014
A Public Garden---Part 1
Welcome to this secret garden
within the city. When I say
"secret" I mean that for most
it is unknown to them.
I'm going to let the pictures
speak fo themselves. I'll
tell you more at the end.
Did you have fun? We had a blast
going through this beautiful 2 acre
garden. It is located in Kansas City,
Missouri, named after philanthorpists
Ewing and Muriel Kauffman and given
to the city for it's residents enjoyment.
The Kauffman's world travels inspired
this garden. In partnership with the
Kauffman foundation Powell Gardens
maintians this garden. The staff change
the flower beds 4 times a year with
each season. We saw the spring beds.
There are local and exotic botanicals,
including plant varities not found else-
where in the Midwest. There are stone
walls, fountains and the bronze statues
are by the sculptor Tom Collins.
More to come in the next installment of
" A Public Garden."
This may be my last post for a bit. But I
will pop in once next week. We are get-
ting ready for our "staycation" next week.
Lots planned for next week but need to
work on a few details.
I'll see you soon!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
What's in Your Closet?
"Summer and the living
is easy." It's the season
for shorts, t-shirts and
sandals. Sooo, that's
what we are talking
about today among
other things...
The fashion industry
generates an average
revenue of 20 billion
dollars a year. I have
"donated" A LOT
to this industry over
years! How about YOU?
I found this little ditty
about "vintage" and
"retro" clothing inter-
Vintage clothing---is
clothing made between
20-100 years ago. Check-
several items I have are
"vintage." Who knew?
Retro clothing---is
clothing recently made
that is designed to res-
emble the style of
another period. Who
knew THAT too?
This has totally changed
my thought processes.
Now on to those clothes
of summer--
It was not acceptable to
for women to wear
shorts in public until
World War II.
More than 2 billion t-shirts
are sold each year. I have
one or two in my closet. :)
The earliest known shoes
are sandals that date back
to approx 7000 B.C.
The bikini (I don't own one)
was named after the island
Bikini Atoll, where the US
military were testing bombs
in World War II. It was
also named because it's
creator, Louis Reard
believed the revealing
suit would create a shock
like the Atomic Bomb.
We can't talk about clothes
without talking about JEANS.
According to legend, the first
pair of Levi's (around 1853)
cost $6 and was paid for in
Gold Dust.
The word "jeans" comes from
the cotton pants worn by
"Genes" the local term for
Genoan Sailors.
The average American owns 7
pairs of blue jeans. Glad to
know that I am average. How
about you?
A known fact--my mom never
owned or wore a pair of jeans.
She thought they were too heavy
and hot.
Are you average? What does
your summer attire consist
~Keep on Dreaming~
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