Monday, March 31, 2014
A - Z Bloggging Challenge
Beginning tomorrow I will be
participating in the A-Z Blog Challenge.
Several of you have participated in the
past and have enjoyed it so I thought
"what the heck," I'll do it! If you are
interested in signing up too let me know,
I'll get you directed to the right place.
It's a great way to meet new friends.
My theme will be WHERE IN KANSAS
OR MISSOURI IS...? Each day (except
Sunday will feature a city from one or
both states. I chose these states because
I was born in Missouri but live in Kansas.
I am looking forward to learning something
about each city I feature and I hope you do
So come by each day and see where we are!
There may be a Sunday or two that I post
so peek in then too.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Something Fun for a Sunday
I have a fun one today.
Uses for dry spaghetti:
Use as a "ruler" for drawing
a straight edge.
If your have a clogged shaker,
insert the spaghetti through the
plugged holes-swirl around to
loosen the clog.
Can't get something from the
bottom of a jar-use the spaghetti
to grab it.
Out of toothpicks?
Use spaghetti to pierce an olive,
cherry or pearl onions.
**Fun fact-Walt Disney almost cut
the spaghetti eating scene from
Lady and the Tramp because he
thought dogs eating pasta would
look silly not romantic. Well, I'm
glad that he didn't do that!
Now I am off to enjoy our 70 +
degree weather today!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Call Me Curious
Have you ever wondered how
many steps you take in a day?
Have you ever kept track of those
One of the teacher's at school has
been tracking her steps with a
group from her church. I have
seen her look at it several times
during the day. Well, this got me
to wondering--"just how many
steps do I take in a day?"
I looked online at several different
pedometers and just couldn't find
what I wanted. Mr. Ken and I were
in Wallie World one day and I
stopped in their Sport's Department.
They had several types, each doing
something different. Of course the
price ranged from low cost to upwards
of $20 depending on what it kept track
I chose the Sportline
Digital Distance Tracker.
It keeps track of Steps,
Calories and Distance.
Primarily I got it to keep
track of my steps but the
other calculations are an
added bonus.
It has a nice size screen,
easy to glance at during
the day, it has just one
button to push for scrolling
and it fits in my pockets very
nicely. They recommend putting
it on your shoe (in the laces)
but I'd lose it.
I have had my tracker for 7
days now and I have gone
34,132 steps, 12.9 miles and
have burned 2,208 calories as
of yesterday.
Remember I am tracking steps
not miles or calories which
those are low I know.
If you are curious like me, pick
one of these up and get to
PS: the number on the screen
in the last pic is how many steps
I had taken just before I took the
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Easy Peasy
Is it still cold where you are?
Do you need something to fill
your tummy. Well, I have the
perfect recipe for you.
Skillet Noodle Lasagna
8 oz. wide noodles
1 lb. ground beef or sausage
1 Jar of sauce (your choice)
8-12 oz. Shredded Mozzerella
Any add ins of your choice
Cook the meat and drain, set
aside. Wipe out skillet.
Cook your noodles and drain.
On low heat mix the meat, noodles,
sauce and some of the cheese in the
skillet. Let flavors blend then turn temp
on low.
Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top of
mixture, cover with a lid and let the
cheese melt. As cheese melts check the sides
for dryness or hardness. Pull slightly away
from sides if need be.
Serve with a tossed salad and bread. Enjoy!!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Happiness is.....
Gooooood morning, friends.
It is a great day. Today is
International Day of Happiness!
What makes you happy?
Some of the things that make
me happy are:
Mr. Ken
Pharell Williams' song "Happy"
will put a little pep in your step
if you need it. Go to YouTube
check out his video. (you won't
be sorry)
Be happy, have fun today---know why?
That make me happy, how about YOU!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, March 17, 2014
Day of Green and a Gift Idea
Happy St. Patrick's Day
to everyone, hope you
are having lucky day!
A friend of mine is expecting
her first child-a boy at the
end of the month! So for her
shower gift I wanted to do a
little something different.
I gathered my supplies.
First, I needed a wood box
and I found this beautiful
cigar box at our neighbor-
hood gas station!
I made several tags for this project.
You'll see these later.
I covered the cigar label with
scrapbook paper and ribbon
and then put the baby's name
on his STORYBOX.
Using the same paper I put a
label on the inside of the box
that says: "Tell me a story
about..." On the tags I put
prompts for my friend and her
family so they have story starters.
I also made a list of other prompts
that she can add to the blank tags.
So when my friend's son gets bigger
he can pull a tag out of the box and
ask for a story about the day he was
born, his name, his grandparents etc.
She can also use the box for baby
mementos or anything related to
her little bundle.
I really like this idea as an alternative
to "the baby book." On the inside, I
also made a tag with information on
who made the box.
*This idea could also be used for the
first day of school, graduations,
engagements and weddings.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, March 10, 2014
Monday Funny
Good afternoon! It is a beautiful
day here. It is 72 degrees as I
write this post from my deck!
I have a funny for you.
Mr. Ken and I were out to eat the
other evening. There was a family
next to us, consisting of Grand-
parent, parents and two daughters.
One daughter was probably 12 or 13
and the little one was probably 3.
As we were eating the little one began
to have "ants in her pants" and you
know how hard it is to wait for adults to
finish their meals. So she decided to go
see her Dad on the other side of the table,
after visiting for a bit she then decided to
go back to seat.
On the way back she passed our table
and as she did, she bent down so her eyes
were even with our table and stood there
watching Mr. Ken eat. Out of the corner
of our eyes both of us noticed her peering
over our table and we just started laughing!
Dad saw this and told her to get back to her
chair and then started to apologise all over
the place. We were laughing so hard that we
couldn't speak. Finally we were able to tell
them it was not a problem and that we thought
it was way too funny.
Poor Mom and Dad and Grandma were beside themselves. Grandpa thought it was funny too.
There is nothing like having a three year old
peering over your table while you eat especially
when she is not yours!!!!
~Keep on Dreaming~
day here. It is 72 degrees as I
write this post from my deck!
I have a funny for you.
Mr. Ken and I were out to eat the
other evening. There was a family
next to us, consisting of Grand-
parent, parents and two daughters.
One daughter was probably 12 or 13
and the little one was probably 3.
As we were eating the little one began
to have "ants in her pants" and you
know how hard it is to wait for adults to
finish their meals. So she decided to go
see her Dad on the other side of the table,
after visiting for a bit she then decided to
go back to seat.
On the way back she passed our table
and as she did, she bent down so her eyes
were even with our table and stood there
watching Mr. Ken eat. Out of the corner
of our eyes both of us noticed her peering
over our table and we just started laughing!
Dad saw this and told her to get back to her
chair and then started to apologise all over
the place. We were laughing so hard that we
couldn't speak. Finally we were able to tell
them it was not a problem and that we thought
it was way too funny.
Poor Mom and Dad and Grandma were beside themselves. Grandpa thought it was funny too.
There is nothing like having a three year old
peering over your table while you eat especially
when she is not yours!!!!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, March 7, 2014
Our Day to Celebrate
Tomorrow is International
Women's Day.
It is celebrated on March 8th
each year.
The day "celebrates the social,
political and economic achiev-
ments of women while focusing
world attention on areas requiring
further attention."
Each of us at school recieved a
carnation with a card that said:
"Dear Teacher,
Happy International Women's
Day. You are appreciated!"
It is always nice to know that
we are appreciated.
Enjoy YOUR day tomorrow,
celebrate how far we have
come and take some time to
reflect on how far we can go.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, March 3, 2014
Monday (March) Maddness
THIS would be the March madness!
What? Snow plus bitterly cold temps
and wind chills. We are setting record
lows folks. I am now on my fifth snow
day this year! Oh boy. Actually it is more
because of the extreme cold than the snow.
March certainly came in like a lion
here in Kansas! I know everyone is
dealing with some kind of weather
issue, just realize SPRING IS
COMING. It says so on the calendar!
Now on to a funny.
As heard in the Target Starbucks Cafe
by Mr. Ken.
A Dad and his son came into the
cafe and sat down. (Son is approx.
three years old)
Son: "I'm hungry."
Dad: "How can you be hungry,
you just ate."
Son: " Yea, but NOT here."
Mr. Ken said the son's answer made
the Dad laugh.
Enjoy your Monday. Hopefully it
is warm where you are.
~Keep on Dreaming~
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