Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thanksgiving Funnies

It's time for some Thanksgiving 

Feel free to share with your
guests. : )

Q--Why did the turkey cross the 
A--It was Thanksgiving Day and 
he wanted people the thinks he 
was a chicken.

Q--What is a turkey's favorite 
A--Peach Gobbler.

Q--Why did the cranberries turn 
A--Because they saw the turkey 

Q--Why do Pilgrim's pants always 
fall down?
A--Because they wear their belt 
buckles on their hats.

Q--What did the turkey say to the 
A--Google, Google, Google.

Q--What do you get when you cross 
a turkey with a centipede?
A--Drumsticks for everyone.

Q--What should you wear on 
Thanksgiving Day?
A--A har-vest.

Q--Why was the turkey the best 
drummer in the band?
A--Because he had the drumsticks.

Hope you enjoyed!

~Keep on Dreaming~

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