Did you do any Christmas shopping today? I did a wee tiny bit, it was rainy and dreary here and so we had a slow morning.
Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday, if you are doing any shopping shop local and shop small. These businesses depend on us as shoppers to keep them going. I like them for their unique selections they have.
We will be going to my brother and sister-in-law's for the day. All of the traditional foods will be on the menu. We will bring the pies of which I will not be making. Our grocery makes delicious pies and that is a stress I can do without.
My favorite tradition is watching the Macy's parade. For me, the Christmas season doesn't begin until Santa arrives in the square.
NO, NO, NO I do not go shopping on Black Friday. At least not a o dark thirty. We have gone later in the day when everyone has gone home to sleep!
How many of us had paper dolls? I loved them as a little girl and I still have some today though I don't play with them. My Mom subscribed to McCall's magazine and I couldn't wait for each month's new magazine. In this particular installment Betsy appears with her cousin Barbara McCall. Betsy McCall appeared as a paper doll in May 1951, she was said to be "five going on six, living in a white house with a porch and a yard to play in." In Betsy's debut, "Nosy" her six month old Dachshund is seen with her. So fun! Do you remember Betsy?
Hello! I hope this posts finds everyone well. Me--home with the creepy crud. :(
Anyway, I saw this posted on Face- book today and thought it was a fun take on Gratitude. It seems like it is brought upin November when we should think about it all year long.
Let's have some fun. Pick five and tell us your thoughts.
Mine are:
# 7 I can't pick one but since both of my parents are no longer here all the memories that pop in my head are good to remember.
# 20 My parents, miss them daily.
# 29 Our extended family members on both sides.
# 27 My cell phone. Glad to have it in case of an emergency.
# 6 The change of seasons. Living in the Midwest provides four distinct seasons, seems like they are shorter at times but I enjoy each for what they provide.