Hello! I hope everyone survived Thanksgiving. Now we move on to the holidays. Today was Black Friday of which I try to avoid. Who was out early this morning? Tomorrow is Shop small Saturday. If you have more shopping to do consider shopping locally. Find those shops that have those unique gifts for your friends and family.
Of course we all know what is involved in Cyber Monday. That is when people shop for deals online. Shop smart and stay safe while on line.
Giving Tuesday is the day that donations are made. They can be clothing, shoes, home goods to your favorite thrift store or shelter. Donate books to your library, a nearby school if they are needed or a shelter. Monetary donations are accepted also. Many charities benefit from Giving Tuesday. Enjoy your weekend! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Popped in to wish EVERYONE a day of fun with your family and friends. Mr. Ken and I will hang at home this year, enjoy our meal, watch football and then head down to the Country Club Plaza with a bazillion of out closest friends to watch the Christmas lights come on. I guess my friends it will be officially the Christmas/holiday season. Friday we are going to an early morning movie (read inexpensive time) and avoid all the Black Friday shenanigans. Saturday evening one of our favorite friends is coming to dinner! It promises to be a fun evening. Sunday will bring some R & R. Have a great holiday, safe travels and I will be back next week! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Well, we are a little over a week away from one of the biggest holidays celebrated. THANKSGIVING!! So I think a little trivia about the day is what we need. 1. The first Thanksgiving was actually a three day event. 2. There is no real proof that turkey was served on the first Thanksgiving. 3. The woman who wrote "Mary Had A Little Lamb" is behind the recognition of Thanksgiving as a national holiday. Sarah Josepha Hale convinced President Lincoln to officially declare it a recurring holiday. 4. The first Macy's parade did not have balloons but it did have animals from Central Park Zoo. 5. We have a Good Housekeeping Illustrator, Tony Starg to thank for the balloons. 6. About 46 million turkeys are cooked each Thanksgiving. But not everyone eats it, about 88% enjoy the bird. 7. President George H. W. Bush pardoned the first turkey in 1989. The tradition continues today. 8. Male turkeys "Gobble" female turkeys "cackle." 9. Most enjoy the leftovers more than the original meal. 10. An estimated 50 million Pumpkin pies are eaten on the big day. Happy eatn'! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello~ Changes, an interesting word/phrase. Some of us like change and some of us are not fond of it. For me it depends on the situation. At school we have had so many changes your head would spin and it has been tough for me to go to work. At home we are working on some changes and yes pictures WILL be coming soon. Those changes have been interesting. Last month we went to two concerts Cyndi Lauper toured with Rod Stewart and we also saw Fleetwood Mac. That is Cyndi above, she was moving pretty darn good for 65. Had not seen her before, pretty good show. THEN...… Sir Rod came out. Now for a man of 73 he was moving pretty good. Found out later that he had fractured his foot and really wasn't supposed to be on it. Being the man he is "the show must go on" plus this was a rescheduled show from the summer when he had to postpone due to bronchitis. He was AWESOME as always!
Not sure how much longer he will preform but at least we saw him one more time! I think Cyndi will be around for awhile.
Fleetwood Mac. Legends. Most of the originals were there with two n ew guys. There has been a fallout with Lyndsay Buckingham and he no longer is with the band hence the new guys. It was a good show, they played a lot of their songs I knew and some I didn't --all are looking pretty good for their ages 50's to mid to late 70's. So now I can say I saw Fleetwood Mac in 2018.
We have had a beautiful fall! It was in question early on but that last heavy rain we had really helped!
These are leaves from our trees.
This beautiful bouquet is from my wonderful husband! We celebrated a change in the number of years I have been gracing this earth :) I had a great day and we had a nice celebration after Mr. Ken got home. The best part of the day was having the day off! I got several things done around the house, some retail therapy, took myself to lunch, read Facebook wishes and enjoyed a birthday dinner and dessert. Today I am off again. Ours lives are so busy and we encounter so many changes some good and some not but we keep plugging along. We have a new month, time will change this weekend, the holidays are approaching, decorations change as a holiday approaches and the best thing I can say about it all is take it slow and enjoy your world around you . ~Keep on Dreaming~