Well, apparently it has been awhile since I last posted. This month has just flown by! What else can we do with those filters? Great for cleaning TV's, monitors or any other glass item. Place them between your china plates to prevent scratching and/or breaking. Place a filter in the bottom of you flower pots to prevent losing dirt and they still allow water to flow through. Use to cover food in the microwave to prevent splatters. Poke a small hole in a filter, then place a popsicle stick in the hole and pull stick through . Instant drip catcher. Works with ice cream cones too, just place the cone in the filter and gather around the cone. Line the bottom of cookie tins. They make great snack holders. Super for kids when eating tacos, hot dogs and sandwiches. Good shoe polishers, dab on polish and shine away. Use one to shuck your corn, move the filter up the corn and it will remove the silks. Use them to bake large muffins or mini cakes. Fill 1/3 full and place in a circular pan to bake. Seed sprouting, Place seeds on a dampened filter, fold and place in a baggie. Use on carpet spills, quickly place on the spill so the filter soaks the liquid not your carpet. There you have it, I could go on but I won't. :) So buy some coffee filters to have in hand if you don't use them for coffee. Never know when you might need to put one to use. PS: they make great snowflakes too. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello my creative friends! Country Dreaming will be participating in the Valentine Card Shower again this year. Which is sponsored by a local radio station. Cards are made for the children who are patients at our local children's hospital on Valentine's Day. On the big day the kids that can leave their rooms get to choose their Valentine's from the thousands that are delivered to the hospital and those that can't leave their rooms have cards delivered to them. Each year several of us have made many Valentine's for the little people, hopefully this brightens there day. Some guidelines for the newbies: Handmade cards Simple greetings-- "Happy Valentine's Day" "Happy Heart Day" "Be Mine" The hospitals asks for No--- "Get Well Soon" greetings because we don't know each child's situation. Nothing religious No-- Trinkets, candy or balloons This is a fun, no stress activity for the whole family, boys and girls groups, church groups or just a fun time to be creative. We would love to have you join us this year, the more the merrier and you would be helping brighten a child's day. If you would like to join the fun-- ~Let me know. ~I will need to have the cards here by Feb 9thso that I can get them to their destination in time. Please consider helping out. We have so much fun. Thanks!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Evening! Blogging is off schedule this week due to me slipping off the ladder while painting. Two days off work due to some pain and a lot of stiffness. I am on the mend and will be back at school tomorrow. Yes, we are still working on this project hence the post title.
We have made it to the opposite wall from the picture above but have had to stop and start a lot to fix things that the former owners did not do as well as they could have and that has put us way behind then add in the holidays. Anyway, we are getting there. We decided to paint the ceiling grey but we are going to paint a white block in the middle of the ceiling where the ceiling fan is to break up the grey. We have picked out our bedding and window coverings too but still need to order them. More pics to come and a big celebration when this project is completed!! Wednesdays post will be on Thursday. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Wednesday morning, I hope everyone is doing well. Today is my last day of break, tomorrow I am back to hitting the floor and running. Over the last several years it has been popular to choose a new word for the new year and I have done this. But not really used it very well over the last couple of years. You can probably guess what word I have chosen for 2018... HARMONY-- "Man and machine are in perfect harmony." Agreement Peacefulness Friendship Fellowship Sympathy Rapport Unity Understanding Cooperation Union Oneness These are some of the synonyms that are linked to harmony. I am going to try to use these in my day to day doings. I think we have to much background noise lives and we forget to slow down and find time for ourselves, I look forward to finding some calm, peace, unity and agreement in my life this year. I want to make time for friends (every- one is so busy), enjoy the rapport with my co-workers and find more under- standing into what makes some people tick. We all have that person in our life that just runs on a different level and it is hard to connect with that person, hopefully I can find a way to connect with this person in my life. Do you have a word for the year?
I hope this year has started off great for everyone! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy New Year! Happy Monday!!! We will start 2018 with a recap of 2017.
Started off the year with a light dusting of snow.
Celebrating our first date and Valentine's Day.
First sign of Spring.
A pretty spring sunset.
Catching the Bunnies on the Plaza.
Enjoying our rose bush in full glory.
The day finally came, GARTH!!
The last nephew to graduate high school.
Our first attempt at strawberry picking. Can't wait to go again!!
Love a good garden tour.
Glorious day to visit the lake. Though a bit windy.
My ULTIMATE favorite find EVER! It has been so nice to have this in my kitchen.
Meeting new Facebook friends and sharing a meal.
Pretty summer sunset.
Going to a reunion. Seeing people that I had not seen in 10+ years. So fun!
Vacation days with Mr. Ken.
Meeting a friend/former co-worker for rolled ice cream.
My fabulous freebie.
Celebrating Mr. Ken's birthday with rolled ice cream.
Time at the Toy and Miniature Museum...
with family!
Annual trip to see the sunflowers.
A beautiful fall sunset.
Impromptu pumpkin patch visit.
Many agonizing trips to find the perfect mattress match. Winner, winner I think we found one!!
Spinach fest visit.
Halloween fun.
Birthday celebration.
Thanksgiving has arrived.
Trip to the Nutcracker Ballet. So fun!
So many to choose from. We love to come and see the Poinsettias.
Union Station was aglow with Christmas finery.
The Mayor's Christmas Tree at Crown Center.
Got to see the new Johnson County Museum. Interesting to see things that I did not grow up around. Moved to the county when Mr. Ken. and I got married.
Bringing in the New Year with wonderful friends! Wishing all my readers a fabulous 2018! Hope to see you frequently for the new adventures the up coming months have in store for us. I am truly thankful for each and every one of you!! ~Keep on Dreaming~