Good Morning... We have a little misc picture post today. The first pic above is of a new toy a friend gave me...yes I said gave me! Someone gave it to her and she never used it! So fun for me.
PLUS she gave me three boxes of goodies. Two had scrapbook stuff in them and one The third one had albums in them.
We have a new ice cream place called Freezing Moo. You select your flavor and the mix it up on a frozen disk then they mix in your toppings THEN they roll it into six rolls and put it in a cup. Yummy goodness!
One last rose for the year.
For the last week these have been on our street. This is a picture of our side yard. Large holes, torn up driveway, tree branches yanked out of the tree and mud everywhere. The city and the water department are replacing the main water line. Goodness knows how long this will take. Makes it hard to mow. ~~~~~~~ I have an eye appointment this evening, not looking forward to it. I am not a fan of people messing with my face and eyes. But I have to renew my driver's license by November 1 and I want to make sure things are on the up and up. That's it from here. Hope everyone is doing well. See you Monday! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello Everyone! Today we are talking erasers. What can you do with them besides get rid of mistakes? Here you go... 1. Remove sticker gunk Works as a mild abrasive to get rid of the sticky gunk left from a price sticker. 2. Secure your earrings If you lose you earring back use the eraser to poke the post through. **Not too sure about this one. 3. Polish silver No, not your Grandma's flat- ware but a piece of jewelry. The rubber particles will absorb the oil and residue. Leaving your pieces sparkling. 4. Extend the life of a battery Lightly brush the contact points of a dying battery with an eraser to remove the nickel or iron oxides that build up. 5. Spruce up suede Gently run an eraser over suede shoes or clothing to remove minor stains and marks. One and three are my favorites. See you Wednesday!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello everyone, I hope your week has gotten off to a great start! Today we are talking pumpkins. What do you do with them?
I love to decorate with them. Mr. Ken and I made a quick stop at this pumpkin stand two Saturdays ago.
I really like the white ones. I got one and turned it into a Boo pumpkin by adding features. Here are some other ideas when using pumpkins: 1. Carving several for your porch. 2. Make pies, cake or bread. 3. Clean the seeds and roast them. Yum! 4. Turn a cleaned out pumpkin into a soup tureen. 5. Roast or grill pumpkin. 6. Turn a cleaned out pumpkin into a centerpiece with flowers tucked inside. 7. Of course, decorating with them is fun. I put mine on my deck and front porch. If you don't carve yours most will last till Thanksgiving. The small ones are great on tables and mantels. Some go a step further with theirs and they decorate them: Melted crayons dipped down the sides. Some paint theirs. Mod podge with pretty paper napkins. There are endless ideas for changing a typical pumpkin into something different.
Those crazy kids amid A LOT of pumpkins. Mr. Ken asked the gal at the stand how many pumpkins they had and she told him that they unloaded around 2,000 pumpkins! As usual we had a great time wandering through the pumpkins and choosing the "right" ones for our house. We have one more pumpkin trip to make because I feel that one can NEVER have enough pumpkins! See you Wednesday! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Welcome back to Lindsborg, Kansas! Finally able to post the last set of this extended post. This post is about the Dala Horse. It is a painted wooden horse originating in the Swedish province of Dalarna. The one above is an extra large size one that is in front of a gift shop that specializes in the making of the Dala Horse.
Lindsborg has 31 of these horses set up around town. They are part of a community art project that has stayed put longer than most. The Chamber of Commerce has a pamphlet that lists all the horses and visitors are encouraged to go on a "Dala Hunt" to find them all.
Each horse has a identification plate that lists the horse's name and the person (s) who donated it .
Dala horses are a symbol of Welcome. This one was above the door to Old Stuga, the restaurant we had lunch at. As we were driving around town, I noticed that a majority of the houses had one above their doors. The rest of the pics are a sampling of some of the Dala's.
We enjoyed our trip to Lindsborg. The food was delicious, the Dala's were fun to find and look at and all sites we saw were awesome! Thank you for your patience with this post. I hope you have enjoyed learning about Lindsborg. Google: Lindsborg, Kansas to find out more. Off to something new next Wednesday but first, I will see you Monday. ~Keep on Dreaming!
It's Monday and I am posting!! Today we are talking Halloween. I saw these cuties on Facebook from a blog called Keeper of the Cheerios. They are made from pizza pans and cookie sheets. Frankenstein is painted black on top and the rest is green. Facial features are added plus the spider and the big eyes. Bolts were added to the sides of the pan. The Witch is painted a pinky purple, felt hair strands, a fancy hat, big eyes and features were added. The Skull was painted white lightly so that some of the pan showed through. A spider was glued onto the side of the pan and features were added. The Mummy was wrapped in gauze strips by gluing the beginning to the back and then wrapping the gauze around the pan. A brown stamp pad was rubbed on the gauze lightly. Eyes and a bow were added to finish him up. I think a pumpkin would be cute out of a round pizza pan. You could paint it orange or go wild and choose a different color. Add the features you want and a stem, put a hanger on it and you are set. Each pan is painted on the back and a "hanger" is attached to the "back" that really is the front. A Sharpie was used to make the features for Frankenstein and the Witch. They did not show much about the Skull in the video, it's features are probably painted on. I think these are just darn cute and they could be made out of pans from a thrift store! Start now collecting for Christmas hangers. See you Wednesday! ~Keep on Dreaming~