Today's post is dedicated to those who live in Texas especially Houston. So much has been said about this storm and devastation caused. I am sure that EVERYONE knows someone in Texas, so let's say extra prayers, donate money, supplies, your time or whatever you are able. These people have a long way to go before their lives are back to what they call "normal." ~~~~~~~~ We will be back to regular programming on Monday. See you then! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Morning, I have time now to finally get Part Two posted. The main reason that wanted to go to the Ag Hall was to see this exhibit.
These tags describe the exhibit plus they had books to look at too!
"Working Aprons."
More detailed ones with needlework and embroidery on them, the one on the top right was made from a dish towel.
Lighter weight - Spring aprons.
Gingham checked ones.
"Company aprons."
"Holiday aprons."
More "working aprons."
Of course, we can't leave out "The Pitmasters."
This gives you an idea of how many displays they had. It was great fun looking at all of these aprons. Many good memories floated through my head as I looked at these displays. All of the women in my life-- my Mom, Grandmas and Mr. Ken's Mom wore aprons at some time in their lives. Mr. Ken's Mom was still wearing them in the 90's. I have my own aprons, I don't wear them much but do have them if I need them. Mr. Ken's Dad gave me my Mother-in- law's apron which I cherish.
Here is bits and pieces of what this card says. "Aprons are more than Kitch. They symbols of family and motherhood. The word "Apron" comes from the French "naperon" a small tablecloth or napkin, suggesting they have been worn for centuries to keep from spilling on ourselves." Most of these aprons are handcrafted one-of-a kind aprons. Click on the pic to enlarge to read the whole piece. What are your memories? Do you wear an apron? Cooking, crafting or gardening? See you tomorrow!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello Everyone! Well, Monday is a BIG DAY! I am sure that you have heard that there is going to be a total eclipse today. The last one was on June 8, 1918. Of course, not everyone will see a total eclipse, some will see a partial eclipse and some will not see anything.
Where are you in the path? We are right there in the 100 % area. Should be interesting for sure! Our school district provided appropriate eyewear for students and staff. So we will be prepared and Mr. Ken got his glasses from our friend. They are the right kind too. The eclipse will begin here around 11:41 and be at it's peak at 1:08 then finish around 2:45 ish. Our kids will observe from inside due to the fact that most will not leave their glasses on and we as staff will rotate outside to view the happenings. The rest of the building will go outside with their grade levels and watch the happenings. This has become a BIG event all over the metropolitan area. Some schools are closed, there are watch parties and a lot of kids will be absent tomorrow to be with their families. Many have traveled from all over to see the eclipse. Can't wait to see what takes place. If I get pics, I'll post them. I believe NASA will have some- thing on their website for those who can't see it in their area. Be safe if you are in the viewing area! See you Wednesday!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Wednesday! I gave you a tease to this post last week so here is Part One. Our second day of our "Day Trip Vacation" found us at The National Agriculture Hall of Fame. Their purpose is to educate the public on the past and present historical value of American agri- culture. Founded in 1961 by a federal charter,they are funded by private and public donations.
Some of the beautiful gardens.
and flowers.
A blast of the past.
The following pictures are of a doll house and barn that was handmade by a donor. Above: Front of the house.
Front of the barn.
Back of the house with so many details.
Back of the barn.
The patio off the back of the house. I could have looked at this display all day and what would have been better is if I could have played with everything!
Cute murals.
Loved this display. More next week.... School is off to a good start. The new kids are so little and cute. Sad occurrence...lost a very good friend last week. Very unexpected. Finding my way through this. Looking forward to the weekend! See you Monday! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! With summer coming to an end in the next month or so I thought we would talk about pool noodles. Did you know there are other uses for them besides swimming? Here are some ideas for you: 1. My favorite-- Stick them in your boots when you are not wearing them, keeps the tops from flopping over. Of course, cut them to fit your boot first. 2. Use them for a saw cover-- Slice the noodle the length of the saw blade, then make a slight incision vertically down the middle. Gently press the blade into the noodle to create a protective sleeve. 3. Make a pin cushion-- Velcro a section of the noodle to the side of your sewing machine. Put your pins, needles and safety pins in the noodle for handy access while you sew. 4. Protect your car doors-- Cut a noodle in half lengthwise and use double stick tape to attach the noodle to the your garage wall where the door hits when you open it. 5. Protect your walls-- Glue strips of a noodle to the backs of picture frames before hanging on a wall. Frames should not scuff the wall now. Did you know?? One of the original names for pool noodle was "water woggle." Pool noodle makes more since to me. See you Wednesday! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello-- Quick post tonight. Today was the first day back at school. I think we have a good year a head of us! A bit tired tonight but ready to go tomorrow.
These next pictures are a tease from the next day trip on our vacation.
More on our trip next week. See you Monday!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Monday Morning Everyone! Well.....for a lot of us it is time to say goodbye to summer. Now I know technically we still have a lot of summer left but for those of us going back to school, may it be kids, young adults or adults weekday summer fun is about wrapped up. Time to start that morning routine, plan what clothes will be worn and what to pack for lunches. So make the most of it if you are one of these people. Go for a walk, hit the park, maybe the pool one last time? A jammie party one more time, stay up late or sleep in just one more time. What ever you do ENJOY!
I have the rest of today and tomorrow then it is back to the wonderful world of school for me. I am not really ready to let summer go but I am looking for- ward to seeing my kids and how much have they grown and changed since May. It seems like summer ends so abruptly. Pools close, vacations are over, school starts and Halloween appears in the aisle over from the school supplies! So enjoy the last bits of summer, have fun and SPREAD THAT GLITTER ALL AROUND !!! Wednesday's post may come out early since that is my first day back. See you soon. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello!! These crazy kids are back to their routine after taking some days to play. One has gone back to work and the other is getting caught up on her blog and email plus a thousand other things. For the next three Wednesdays- counting today, I will be posting about all of the fun we had while Mr. Ken was off work. Today we start with last Monday's trip.
This is where we went. The museum got it's start in the early 90's in a one room office. After much discussion and planning it expanded in 1994, to a 2,00 square space in the same building a s the early 90's office.
According the Visitor's Guide, "Within the story of baseball lies one of the triumphant chapters in American History. Shut out from the game by a "gentlemen's agreement," black men, for the simple love of the game, began an incredible journey through pain, joy, suffering and celebration that would last six decades." Visitors like us are able to see, read and absorb all that these men went through to play professional baseball.
This is the Field of Legends- Home plate with bronze sculptures of legendary players are featured here.
This ball was signed by Buck O' Neil. he played for the Kansas City Monarchs from 1938- 1955. In his later years he was a scout for the Kansas City Royals. He was also very instrumental in seeing that this museum was built. Mr. O'Neil passed away in 2006 at the age of 94.
Pitcher, second base, out- field and third base.
This would be pitcher Satchel Paige, another Kansas City Monarch and teammate of Buck O'Neil's. Mr. Paige played ball from 1940-1947, he passed away in 1982 at the age of 75.
Autographed baseballs reside in this long cabinet.
Look closely at this pic and read the names of teams we know today as another name. Kansas City Monarchs=Kansas City Royals today.
This display is called Vintage Colors.
A bronze statue of Buck O'Neil watching the game.
Just couldn't resist this very large bat! I hope you enjoyed your tour. If you come to Kansas City or know of a baseball fan, tell them about our great museum! ~~~~~~~~ One week from TODAY, summer break ends and it is BACK TO SCHOOL for me. The time off has been fun and productive, some projects will have to wait but I know they aren't going any- where. See you on Monday! ~Keep on Dreaming~