Hello Everyone, yes it is me. The absent blogger--I must apologize again. Just WAY too much to keep up with right now. The journey jar is being filled again this month as best we can. If anyone is out there, let's catch up. I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Leslie at Dandelion Sprinkles and her creative Valentine's elves for helping out with the Valentine Card Shower this year.
They did an AWESOME job!! Combined with my cards we had over 70 cards that were sent to Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City Mo.
All the cards were packed and ready to be sent to hopefully brighten a few kids day.
Sunday was the day we celebrated. We enjoyed a nice brunch in the late morn- ing and then went to the Old Red Bridge to check on our lock. If you remember from last year, Mr. Ken and I took a lock out to the bridge and locked our love there. It is tradition that couples do on Valentine's Day.
Off we go to look for our lock. I must con- fess, I was getting a little nervous because we weren't finding it but then we did. Whew!!
There is it right in the middle of the two silver ones. The writing has faded but we could make out what we had put on it in 2016. (We checked our pic from last year) Some people add a new lock each year so next year we are add- ing locks for both our Moms.
A little look at our Valentine décor.
Hope everyone had a SPECTACULAR Valentine's Day!! ~~~~~~~~~ Update on Mr. Ken He is doing GREAT! Doctor appointments are fewer and far between now, which is nice. He isn't missing so much work now. He still has a couple of procedures later on down the line but right now things are moving right along. Thanks for hanging with me!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy February to all. I am certainly glad to see a fresh new month! Hope there are a few of you out there and you haven't given up on me! :)
Super Bowl 51 is this Sunday, anyone have big plans? Ours will be low key this year. Not a big fan of either team so it is hard to get geared up for it. but we will still have some good eats, watch the game and the commercials plus try and catch part of the Puppy Bowl too.
Valentine's Day is on the way Mr. Ken and I combine the holiday with the next day because we still celebrate the anniversary of our first date. This year will be 19 years! We have plans for brunch the Sunday before.
Speaking of Valentine's Day, it is time for the annual Valentine Card Shower. If you would like to join me in making some cards for the kids at Children's Mercy Hospital here in town, please let me know. The cards above were made last year. I will need them by NEXT FRIDAY--February 10th. If you have questions, let me know. This is a fun activity for scouts and other groups too.
We have continued to have some spectacular sunsets. This was taken in late January. So pretty.
I did not pick a "word" for this year. Partly because I couldn't decide on one and then life jumped in. So I decided to do a "Journey Jar." Each piece of paper has something on it that happened each day. ie: "It was 60 today and the sun came out." The jar is emptied into a baggie at the end the month and we start fresh with the new month. At the end of the year we will read each slip of paper to see what we did in 2017. GROUNDHOG DAY is tomorrow --Will he see his shadow??? Update: Mr. Ken is doing great, progress is made eachday. Work keeps him busy too. He has a couple of big things coming up so the continued prayers would help. We would like the thank EVERYONE for those prayers and good thoughts, they are very much appreciated. For those of you who are continuing to hang with me and my erratic posting -- THANK YOU! I had so many things that I wanted to do with Dreaming and I still will but it may take a bit. We can't always plan what comes down the road so I do appreciate ALL of YOU!! Keep on hanging with me. ~Keep on Dreaming~