Happy Wednesday to you. This will be our last Wednesday Write-Up for 2016. Today we will catch up with Christmas. Mr. Ken and I visited the Magic Christmas Tree. This little tree hangs out all year but at Christmas it gets dressed up for the season. Visitors can bring canned goods to donate to local food banks when they come for a visit.
Such fun to see the lights and listen to all the oohs and aahs from everyone.
Our fave park got all dressed up too.
I guess we were good this year since Santa dropped off some goodies at the house.
My intention was to get our (all) village pieces out but that did not happen. Instead I did a couple of small vignettes. Number 1 --Ice skating fun. I made the button tree this year. I picked up the tree at a craft fair in the fall and then a friend showed me her co-worker's button tree on her desk.
I picked these stockings up at another craft fair for $1 a piece and the best thing is that they are reversible! The right one is the inside of the left one. So fun!
Aren't these cute? I found four of them at a thrift store, these are green and the other two are red. Love them!
Vignette # 2 -- Train Station. The train set was a stocking stuffer for Mr. Ken last year and everything else is new to this year. The little house is hand painted and has a secret drawer in it.
Cards , cards , cards. We received more cards than I thought we would. Mine will be "after Christmas cards." I still love to get cards.
Went with a plaid theme this year.
Made a couple of fancy paper chains.
Another project complete! A star wreath, sounds simple right? It was a bit tricky getting the ends together but I prevailed! It has been hanging out in the kitchen ever since I finished it.
More fun things to hang in doorways.
Fun with the family. Mr. K is opening a white elephant gift at the family gathering. Ha! Ha!
Unwrapping complete with lots of great goodies from Santa.
Our poinsettia--this one has been a little tough to please. It doesn't seem to get enough water and we have had so many cloudy days.
I am a bit obsessed with these critters. The top two and the one on the right I picked up at Target and the gray came from Michael's or JoAnn's. I was in Target tonight and got another one for half price. I just think they are too cute. They will hang out through Winter.
A friend of mine made this cute Santa luminary. I added the plate and colored ornaments. That is it for Christmas 2016. There will be some changes in the new year for the old blog. Good ones I think so stay tuned and I am thinking about my "word " for 2017. I haven't been real good the last couple of years with my particular word, I hope to do better in 2017. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Welcome to "catch-up day." AND Happy first day of Winter! We had "winter" type temps here last weekend but they have warmed up as the week has progressed. Christmas Day should be in the 60's yes friends, I said 60's! Plus a bit of rain. Go figure...
I'm not sure we looked like that exactly but pretty close. We have truly earned this break and I intend to take every advantage I can. Still have some Christmas details to finish but looking at some R and R in my future plus visiting with friends and family while I am off. Mr. Ken will be off several days too.
These two celebrated their 17th Anniversary earlier this month! More about where we were in the pic above in another "catch-up" post.
We went to brunch for our Anniversary and after we finished, our server took our picture for us.
Also got a chance to talk to Santa. We had a nice visit. I assured him that I had been a good girl this year but Mr. Ken being a good boy was questionable but Santa felt otherwise. :)
The big event for the month besides Christmas was an early birthday party for this young man. This is Mr. Ken's Dad and his birthday is right before Christmas, so we had his party early. Best part was that he had NO IDEA this party was in the works!!
The birthday boy turns 80 this year and we decided to surprise him with a Pie Party. One of the local restaurants has a party room that we booked, we ordered several pies and served tea, water and Coke and Diet Coke to drink. We invited the family, his friends, and neighbors. Lots of fun for all and yes he was SURPRISED!! Best way to have a party!!
For my staff, I decorated ornaments with their initials and dots. This picture only shows a few there were four more outside of this picture. On the health front , still have a bit of the cold and Mr. Ken had picked up a version of it now. Hopefully by Sunday we will be over it. I also hope all my students get healthy over break. Would be nice if all of us can go back without the sickies hanging over us. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! I am getting better, thanks for all your kind thoughts! Today's post is for those of you who need something for a "last minute" gift, an activity at a family dinner, girl's fun night etc. I have the idea for you! Round Salt Dough Ornaments According to this article, mix 4 cups flour and 1 cup salt then gradually add 1 1/2 cups water to form the dough. Roll the dough to 1/8 " thickness and cut using two round cutters. Place ornaments on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 1 hour or until hard. Cool, decorate, and use them as you choose. They put candies in the middle of these. We made a version for these today at school, added green food coloring , mixed it really good and used tree cutters for tree ornaments. Make sure you make a hole in the top for the string or ribbon. You could use different cutters for the upcoming holidays and them if you wanted to make them for Valentine's Day you could use heart cutters. Have fun with these! Tomorrow we will do some catching up. This cold has messed with my post schedule for this week. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Tuesday afternoon from the land of ill. I am doing better but it is still visiting and as far as I am concerned it can leave! This week we re going to have a little holiday fun. Today we have two posts in one. Monday's Post: Table Trimming: Santa Napkins Red Napkins Black Ribbons Glitzy Gold Cardstock Cut a square from the cardstock, then cut two slits in the cardstock that are the width of the ribbon. Thread the ribbon through the cardstock and tie it around the napkin.
Today's Post: Christmas Music Trivia! Answers at the end...NO PEEKING!! 1. I saw Mommy... 2. All I want for Christmas is... 3. I'm Dreaming Of A... 4. My true love gave me five... 5. I want a __________ for Christmas. Answers: 1. Kissing Santa Claus 2. My two front teeth 3. White Christmas 4. Gold Rings 5. Hippopotamus How did you do? ~Keep on Dreaming~
It is two weeks before Christmas and all through the house we have not a lot up for Christmas YET!! We have celebrated our anniversary (later post), Mr. Ken went out of town on business and is back home. Yesterday we celebrated my Father-in-law's birthday early. These three things have taken a lot of time and focus over the last two weeks. Just in time for the work week, I have developed a delightful cold. Having fun now!! I hope your Sunday has been productive. Stop by this week, I will try to post daily. We will have holiday posts and a Wednesday Write Up, where we will do a little catching up. See you tomorrow! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Can you believe that it is DECEMBER?!!! Posting the write up a day late due to being under the weather. Left school early on Tuesday and didn't go in yesterday. Lots of yuck going on. Today I feel much better! Thankfully. Last week at this time we were finishing our family Thanksgiving celebration, can't believe that it has been a week already since Thanks- giving! Hope yours was great! Tomorrow is Friday, yea!!! Our week- end will be busy with anniversary fun. Mr. Ken and I will be married 17 years this coming Sunday. I will give you the low down next Wednesday. Don't want to give anything away just in case he reads the blog. :) Christmas music has been playing, we have been watching the Hallmark channel and catching some great Christmas movies and I am reading books from my Christmas book stash. Plans for decorating are in the works. Tried to start on the decorating last weekend but I think my mind and body tried to tell me to slow down and do other things. Now that it is December watch for some "Pop-up" posts. Happy December! ~Keep on Dreaming~