And I do mean LAST MINUTE! Left picture: Spiders: Small candy bars (Milky Way, Three Musketeers) Chocolate Licorice cut in small pieces and candy eyes. (Not sure how the "legs" are attached, couldn't really tell in the picture) Middle Picture: Cupcakes: Frankenstein: Decorated with frosting of course)chocloate chips, peanut butter cup,chocolate candy pieces. Owl: Decorated with frosting and sprinkles,peanut butter cup, orange jelly bean, Oreo opened up and chocolate candy pieces. Right Picture: Frankenstein: Kit Kat bars, green frosting,candy pieces, Rolo and candy eyes. Mummy: Red apple, piped frosting, candy eyes and a Halloween straw.
Fresh Fruit Cups: Raspberries. whipped topping and a Marsh- mallow Ghost.Great for your Halloween meal!
These cracked me up! Fill a cleat treat bag with cheese balls. Seal and add a tag with "Pumpkin Poo" written or typed on it. These would be fun for those "special trick-or-treaters" that drop by. These were being offered at a Fall Open House for a new store. The other ideas came for our grocery add. Use these ideas now or file away for next year. Happy Halloween! Don't let the Spooks get you!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
It wouldn't be Tuesday without Trivia. Halloween Trivia. Questions first, answers last. 1. Every year Linus and Sally wait for who to appear? 2. What veggie were Jack- o-lanterns first carved out of? 3. What colors are popular for Halloween? 4. In what country did Halloween first originate? 5. How long does it take a pumpkin to grow? 6. Other than eating apples how else are apples used on Halloween? 7. If you have a fear of Halloween what phobia do you have? 8. What was the trick originally in "trick or treat." Answers: 1. The Great Pumpkin 2. Turnips 3. Orange and Black 4. Ireland 5. 90-120 days 6. Bobbing 7. Samhainophobia 8. Singing to the person giving you candy. How did you do? ~Keep on Dreaming~
We continue our tour today with The Steven's House. This Colonial Revival was built in 1902 for ONLY $45,000. I am sure that was a lot back then but now it does not seem like a lot. The homeowners are waiting on a nomination from the National Register of Historic Places.
One of the beautiful windows off to the side of the four columns that are over twenty feet tall. There is a ballroom on the top floor. We did not get to see this though--DARN!
This beauty is in the entry way.
I love this piece of furniture and our guide gave the name of it but I missed it. The ladies of the house would stop here and check their coats and then look in the bottom mirror to check their petticoats. You can get a glimpse of the beautiful grand stairway in the mirror.
This chandelier was in the Men's Parlor. The decor was in a "hunting theme."
We are now in the Ladies Parlor.
This corner held a beautiful antique organ with family photos on top. Not pictured- the opposite corner held a grand piano, that was being played by the homeowner's Mother.
From the Ladies parlor, we entered the dining room. The table is set for eight but can seat sixteen! French doors led off to the a screened in porch.
This delight was above the dining table.
This pretty little room is off the galley kitchen. Antiques and family heirlooms filled this area.
This is the Herman F. Schmelzer House. Built in the early 1900's. The owners were living in the home in 1908 when they were approached by Robert F. Long,(see previous post) Mr. Long wanted the whole square block to build on. So they agreed and had the house moved across the street by men and donkeys--a very slow process. EVERYTHING was intact after the move. Nothing was broken!! One of the guides had a picture of the men and the donkeys moving the house, very interesting to look at!
The beautiful front door is the only other picture for this house. The current owners purchased the home in 2015 and are rehabbing the entire two and a half story home. Due to it being neglected, gone through and a squatter living there it went into foreclosure. It will be a beautiful home when it is finished but I will say I was a bit disappointed after seeing all the other beauties before this one.
We have come to the last home on our tour. We have the side yard but I really was interested in the double chimneys-one is wider than the other.
Welcome to the English Home. The first owners bought the land in 1904 for $ 4,750 a then in 1905 built the all brick home in the style of American Foursquare with Prairie influences."
Check out the details of the homes front.
As you come in the front door, off to your left is the living room. I thought the decor was a bit too modern for the home and I couldn't figure out why the visitor made himself at home on the couch.
A beautiful window.
Check out the dining table and chairs. The dining room was a dark blue. The artwork plus three more on the ledge were done by one of the homeowners.
A beautiful light in the galley kitchen.
A beautiful "eat in" area off the kitchen. Love the bar cart.
The original "icebox."
The original coal box.
The last few pics are of other homes in the neighborhood.
A great entry way.
A beautiful area off to the side of the home.
This one feels like it has a Spanish influence to it.
The landscaping was gorgeous! Hope you enjoyed the rest of the tour. If you missed the first part of the tour, please scroll down to the previous post. Come by this week for some Halloween fun. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Last Saturday, Mr. Ken surprised me with tickets to a Historic Homes tour. The Northeast Kansas City Historical Society sponsored this 4th annual tour. We began our tour at the Robert Alexander Long Mansion aka The Kansas City Museum.
Welcome. Long began the building in 1908 and the 70 room Beaux Arts mansion was completed in 1910.
Beautiful windows.
Cabinets in the library.
Massive fireplace, check out the clock and the candle holders on each side.
Everyone needs a Grand staircase.
A beautiful stained glass window.
This is the window from picture three but from the inside. I believe it was in the dining room.
This 1894 beauty was going to be torn down! What??? I know! It has the original fireplace mantel and surrounding tiles, woodwork and pocket doors.
The side porch shows respect to the importance of porches and that they should be enjoyed. The current homeowner has completed the replacement and repainting if the "fishscale" Queen Anne detail on the front of the house.
Also original to the home are the stained glass lights and windows. The light is in the home's entry.
This is the window on the landing.
As you can see this one is above the front door.
I believe this door with the beautiful window goes out to the side porch.
There were six place settings on the dining room table. Each one had a different saying on the place mat. I thought they were too stinking cute! The dining room was added on to the original structure and relocated in the back of the house off the kitchen and up two or three stairs.
The back door off the dining room leads to another porch and this lovely area.
Come and sit a spell.
The house next door to the one we just came from is a 1961 Mid Century Modern and I did not get a pic for some reason but it was pretty cool inside. A 30's ish women owns it and is putting her stamp on it with fun decorative ideas, in keeping with the 60's decor. The pink bathroom is hers and is original to the home. I told Mr. Ken that our master should be pink but he wasn't buying it!
The blue one is for guests. Fun aren't they?
Down the street we go to another beauty. This all stone two and half story home with a limestone foundation was built in 1901. The exterior is considered Mission style.
When this home was originally built it had two arches but one was removed and the porch was extended. (off to the right in this photo) After seeing a "before" photo we like this much better and it makes more sense.
The inside of the house was gorgeous and I was so busy looking at everything that I forgot to take pictures. The current homeowners have been in the home since April of '14 and are continuing to improve upon what was done to the home in the past. Lots of upgrades have been made but preserving the historic charm is a goal too. I hope you enjoyed, I know it was a lot but there is so much to show! We will continue our tour next time. ~Keep on Dreaming~