Headed to the mall for a short shopping trip and saw these amazing structures! "Canstruction Kansas City" arrived early in February and will leave in early March. All of the structures are constructed with canned goods and non-perishable items.
Fifteen teams of architects, engineers and contractors are competing against each other to build their structures which are built on site. They are roped off to protect them from getting knocked down. This entry resembles a shuttlecock, there are three on the lawn of the Nelson Art Museum. They are very popular with museum visitors.
When the competition ends, all of the food will be donated to Harvester's Food Pantry and in turn given to families in need. This entry's theme is Wizard of Oz.
Each entry is judged and then the winners are awarded. Over 1,000 plus cans and boxes are used for each entry! Of course, we have to have Kansas City Royals themed entries. Here we have a ball cap.
This entry resembles the score- board at Royals stadium. So cool!
This is the coolest fountain I have ever seen! Kansas City is called "The City of Fountains". This one is modeled after the actual one on The Country Club Plaza. The builders were awarded with the "Structural Integrity Award."
Last but not least---A cow. There is BBQ sauce bottles on the floor. We do love our BBQ here in KC. Lots of fun wandering around looking at the creativity of others. This is a great way for our local food pantry to stock up on much needed food donations! ~Keep on Dreaming~
As in the picture above: Painted and used as vases. New way to display photos: Choose a clear jar that is at least an inch taller than your photo. Gently roll photo enough to get it through the opening. Place the top in first. Twist the lid on and turn over and place with your other framed pics. Office, craft, workshop organization: Pens, scissors, markers for the office or craft space. Screwdrivers, pencils, for the workshop. Small jars can hold paperclips, tacs, etc. With or without their lids. What do you do with jars? Helpful hint: To open a tight lid,run the lid under hat water for two minutes. Heat causes the metal to expand, making it easier to twist off. ~Keep on Dreaming~
It's time for: Sunday Savor I have a warm recipe today so pull up a chair and relax.
This is a great "comfort food" recipe. Tator Tot Casserole 1 lb ground beef 2 cans Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 bag of Tator Tots Milk Seasonings of Choice Dried Parsley Brown and drain the ground beef set aside. In a medium bowl mix your soup with 1 1/2 cans of milk (more if needed), your seasonings and parsley. Pour in your tator tots to coat with the milk/soup mix and seasonings. Add your ground beef and mix thoroughly so everything is coated. Spray a casserole dish with nonstick spray and pour your mixture in it. Bake uncovered in a preheated oven for 15 minutes then cover for the last 15 to 20 minutes of cooking or until it is bubbly. **Times vary so check your bag for oven temp and length for times for the tots to cook. Serve with a veggie or salad and warm bread. Enjoy!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
That IS Happy Chinese New Year! OR "Gung Hay Fat Choy"---which means : Best Wishes and Congratulations. Have a prosperous New Year! The new year runs from February 19th to March 5th this year.
This is the year of the Sheep/Goat. What animal does your birthday fall under? I am a Tiger and Mr. Ken is a Dragon.
Today's fortune is: Do Not Rush Through Life. Pause and Enjoy It. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy Mardi Gras/ Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday to YOU! Since it IS Tuesday we have some trivia for you and I bet you can't guess what it is about... If you guessed Mardi Gras you are correct--sorry I don't have any beads to throw your way. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday." Some call it "Shrove Tuesday," Pancakes are known to be served by some on this day. This day occurs the day before Ash Wednesday which begins the fasting period of Lent. It is 46 days before Easter. Mardi Gras came to New Orleans through French heritage in 1699. The colors of the day are: Purple ----Justice Green-----Faith Gold------Power 1837 saw the first documented procession for Mardi Gras. New Orleans sees over three dozen parades in the weeks preceding Mardi Gras. Throwing trinkets started in the early 1870's. A popular treat for Mardi Gras is the "King Cake." Which is an oval shaped sweet roll type cake and comes with a trinket for hiding. The one who finds the trinket is crowned "King" or "Queen" for the day. Approx 750, 000 cakes are sold in New Orleans . Are you celebrating today? ~Keep on Dreaming~
Card shower update: Between four bloggers, family and friends we sent 66 cards to Children's Mercy Hospital via a local radio station. I think this is AWESOME! I have said it before and I am going to say it again THANK YOU for your help with this! Looking forward to next year! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! According to the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation the "week" of February 9th-15th is "Random Acts of Kindness Week". www.randomactsofkindness.org
Take time to spread kindness this week as I know you do normally. Check out the list above and pick one, two or more and post what you do OR come up with your own. Let's spread kindness EVERYWHERE!!! If you missed my previous post, check it out and you will find a perfect example of spreading kindness. Three bloggers are spreading kindness this Valentine's Day, Thanks gals!! Happy Kindness Week~ ~Keep on Dreaming~
May I present Valentine cards made by three truly creative bloggers. The set above is made by Mary, She blogs at Adventures of Life and she lives in Southern Missouri. Mary used a variety of media to create her cards. Thanks Mary!!!
The mail carrier delivered this delightful package later in the morning...
It came from Leslie in Baltimore, Maryland and she blogs at a spoonful... She usually has a card party but their winter weather canceled it so her lovely daughter took the supplies to her nanny job and she and the kids made the cards this year! What an awesome job they did! The package contained a ton of Valentines with great stickers and a little present, a Valentine mug! Love all of it!!! Thanks to Leslie, Michelle and the kids!!!
The postman brought this to my mailbox later today. It came from New York. Carol blogs at Buttercup Counts Her Blessings. Getting the mail today was exciting!
Cute, cute, cute! They came in envelopes but I took them out so you could see them. Thanks Carol!!! I can't say THANK YOU enough to these ladies! They took their time to make these delightful cards so that a lot of kids will have a great Valentine's Day. You gals are the BEST. We will do this again next year!!! I haven't finished mine yet, but when I do I will show them to you. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Well here we are just hours away from THE BIG GAME and I am late posting this recipe. Sorry. (we had a rough weekend) 10 Minute Buffalo Cheese Dip 1 8 oz. pkg of cream cheese, softened 2/3 C chunky blue cheese dressing 1-2 T Buffalo Wing Sauce Sliced green onions (optional) In a microwavable bowl, mix first three ingredients until smooth. Cover and microwave on HIGH for 2-3 minutes or until hot. Sprinkle with the onions if desired. Serve with chopped veggies, crackers or your desired dipper. Enjoy! Please say a little prayer for our friend Nancy and her family, they lost a four legged family member this weekend. Thank you! ~Keep on Dreaming~