Hello! Hope everyone is well. My quest to be a bit more organized and get more decluttering accomplished while I am on break continues. Mr. Ken and I are notorious for taking pictures, LOTS of pictures. Always had some kind of camera growing up and nothing has changed as an adult. When Mr. Ken and I were dating soooo long ago, film cameras were still the way to go, then cameras with SD cards arrived and BOOM we all went digital. We continue to document everything that happens in our lives. Most of our phones have had cameras and we use them. Plus I have a big Cannon that I got for Christmas that I use too. Pictures provide a way to step back in time to remember past events. Some happy some sad. Sometimes "oh yea, I remember that." Over the last to days I went through 107 packets of pictures! Yes, indeed! The picture above shows a fraction of the packets I went through. These are pictures that begin when Mr. Ken and I started dating in '98 and ended with my birthday in '07. We still have rolls to develop. Need to find out who still does that if any do. I bought clear cases from Michael's that have 16 individual cases in each case, I put as many pics in each of the cases. Now our pics are more protected from any calamity. NOT that there will be one. Glad that project is finished for now, we'll see if we can find a developer. Take care and be safe. ~Keep on Dreaming~
For Father's Day, I will be making this refreshing beverage. **Found on Pinterest Pineapple Lemonade 1 Q prepared lemonade 2 C pineapple juice 2 C Sprite Mix ingredients well. Chill until ready to serve. Stir before serving. Can be doubled or tripled for a large group. Enjoy! Update: It was a big hit!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Remember when we started this project? The pic above was taken on April 19th.
This was when we added the weed canvas, it was taken on May 3rd. I guess we didn't get a pic of when we added the dirt and plants. Hum...
WELL... ta da! Here are the beds as of this morning. Flowers blooming on the right and veggies springing up on the left with some Marigolds mixed in. Hopefully soon we will have tomatoes, onions and peppers for salsa! Ole'!
Brace yourselves! These first two pics are before the haircut. As most of you know through Facebook, my stylist was MIA for a bit due to COVID closings. Well, my shop did not reopen and I couldn't locate my stylist. Fast forward and long story short, she decided to switch to just Men's hair- cutting. So, I who trusts literally NOONE with my hair had to find a new stylist.
TA DA!!!! Found a new stylist and she was great! New do, new me!!!!
I feel sooooooo much more like myself. Now I know after not being able to get my hair cut for several months, that I NEVER grow my hair back out!
Last BUT certainly not least we have a new addition to our family! I'd like to introduce my Great-Nephew Everett to you. He was born last Tuesday. Hope everyone is well and enjoying your almost Summer weather. Mr. Ken will be on vacay this week, so I will be in and out. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Leslie at Dandelion Sprinkles said it correctly, it is the little things in life that bring joy. Hers was an Egg Salad Sandwich. They bring memories of an Uncle. There is so much upset and frustration right now, I just want to stay in my quiet little house. Tomorrow we will head to church for a Community Get Together. It will be a time for sharing, listening and learning and it will be nice to see church friends in person (social distancing) of course. Life right now is definitely not perfect, it is up to us to make it wonderful and that is where those little things in life bring us. Take care my friends! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Here's an idea for June. It has some good ideas for these trying times. I know I can use some! Tell us what works for you. Take care and be safe, friends. ~Keep on Dreaming~