Good evening, hope everyone is well and safe. We are plugging along here. Since we have been home daily, I have noticed things that probably would have been missed had I been at school. There are days we feel like we are living in a nature preserve. :) According to my neighbor the bird above is a Red Headed Finch.
Our resident bunny was out one morning, exploring.
I know it is hard to see but in the tree on the branch that is banding up, there is a Falcon--again according to my neighbor. She flies around a lot , her nest is farther up in the tree and we see the male too. There has been bird mating too! :) She is pretty cool to watch.
A couple of Sundays ago this happened in our backyard. Last Fall our neighbor gave us the boards, we stored them over the Winter. One side will be for Mr. Ken's tomatoes and Peppers and the other side will be my side for flowers. Should be fun. We will make covers for each box so the critters don't tear up our work.
I think we will start blooming now.
I might wait a day.
Sunday's bloom. My neighbor gave me these, basically we plopped them in the ground. Wasn't really sure if they would bloom, much to my surprise they did!!! My other neighbor gave me a pot of different ones today. I'm hoping I can fit them in with these. The one I got today is called Siberian Iris. No clue what the ones I have that are blooming. That is it from the Nature Preserve. Take care. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Webster has several definitions of the word "Comfort."
"To give strength and hope." CHEER
"To ease the grief or trouble of." CONSOLE
"Consolation in time of trial or worry." SOLACE
"A satisfying or enjoyable experience."
For my post this evening we are going with this last one and talk about COMFORT FOOD.
I am sure that everyone is cooking as much or more than they did before life changed for all of us. I know I have been.
In times of upheaval, people tend to gravitate toward things that comfort them. ie: comfy sweater, soft blanket in a cozy chair,some bake and some cook.
Tonight we had roast, potatoes, carrots and green beans. Tomorrow we will finish the Easter ham with Ham and Beans for Mr. Ken and I will have Ham and Cheesy potatoes because I am not a fan of Ham and Beans. I would consider these to be comforting.
Other foods I find "comfort" in:
Mac and Cheese Spaghetti Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes Soup Chocolate Probably a lot of other things that aren't good for us. :) Ha!
Hope that everyone's Easter was enjoyable. Our day started out with church online and the sun was shining brightly. The closer it got to lunch the more it looked like the rain was coming in. Sure enough as we sat down to lunch the rain began.
I hope you enjoy your Easter tour around our house.
Thinking of all the folks in the South that experienced the Tornados. Keeping them in our thoughts and prayers.
Since we are all eating more at home whether we cook a meal or get take out, I thought I would share a really simple and filling entrée for your family.
Drumroll please...
Cheeseburger Rice Ingredients:
1 lb ground beef or ground turkey 1 3/4 C water 2/3 C ketchup 1T mustard 2 C instant rice (uncooked) 1 C shredded cheese (I use cheese slices)
To do:
Brown meat on med/high; drain Add the water, ketchup and mustard, mix well. Bring to a boil. Stir in rice. Sprinkle with cheese. Reduce heat to med/low and simmer 5 min. Remove from heat, let stand 5 min then stir and serve.
* I usually cook my rice to make sure it is done. Don't want crunchy rice in it.
Can add pickles, tomatoes and onions on the side as add ins.
Such an easy recipe! One can do so much with this.