Welcome back to our Bucket list for reading. Today we are going to add kids to the mix. Kids Summer Bucket List for reading: 1. Read in a tent/fort (inside or out- side) by flashlight 2. Read a book about bugs! 3. Read to a pet. 4. Read a joke book for kids. 5. Read under a tree. 6. Read a book without words. 7. Read an alphabet book. 8. Read about something specific ie: space, flowers, birds etc. 9. Read a pop up book. 10 READ ALL SUMMER LONG!! Some of items on the previous list would work for kids too. Have fun reading this summer! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hi All! Well, here we are three days from the OFFICIAL start of summer. If you are like me summer begins as soon as Memorial Day hits. Today I have a Bucket List for you specifically geared towards reading and who doesn't enjoy a good read. Summer is the best time for me to catch up on my reading list. Summer Reading Bucket List 1. Read at breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. 2. Read in the park. 3. Read in the backyard. 4. Read a Biography. 5. Read about a city far away. 6. Read a book that makes you laugh. 7. Read a magazine. 8. Read about your country, state or city. 9. Read a book about friendship. 10. Read ALL summer long. Stay tuned, the next post will be a list to do with the kids. Yours, the neighbors, the grandkids, the nieces and nephews. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Lace up those shoes we are ready for Part 2. Our tour begins with house five a lovely Tudor Revival style home. The front yard was immaculate but the backyard was a shade lover's delight! This was my second fave house.
A dressed bench greets visitor's as they round the corner to enter in the back. A delight awaits!
As you enter, one's eye goes directly to the ginormous tree that is over 100 years old. It is so big, I could not get the whole thing in the pic.
The homeowner has placed a little whimsy here and there. This little table vignette was set up in the back garden area.
More from the back garden. I believe this was the statue called "Water Girl."
Cute little potting shed.
Come sit for awhile.
This area...what can one say? I could live here for sure.
This little area is off to the right of the large table.
Well, well look who I spotted in the garden.
House six was a quirky whimsical place. Complete with the homeowner watering EVERYTHING as visitors were touring her garden areas. :)
Beautiful bursts of color here and there.
The homeowner made the most of her small yards.
A fountain here leading into a goldfish pond.
A Koi Pond there.
More Whimsy here.
And here...love the face on this concrete leaf.
Little gazebo for a peaceful rest.
On the other side of the yard, where the Koi pond was, it had lilies in it.
Well, we have made it, last house on the tour. A Mid-Century house with lots of Pine, Cedar, Cypress and Spruce.
As visitor's make their way around to the back, they are greeter with this beautiful Magnolia tree.
Love the color of this Iris.
Tired but happy. One of the guides took our pic. Hope you enjoyed. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday we headed out to the Kansas City Master Gardener Tour.
Our first stop was at a home built in 1915.
The homeowners made the most of a small plot. There were several shade plants and Hostas plus a dry creek bed was off to the north.
This lovely brick home was our second stop and as you can see by the sign at the top of of the steps "No photography" was a loud. This home also had a small garden area. they used rain barrels along with a dry creek bed. The hedges by the stairs were immaculate. One of the more interesting items in this garden was the VERY LARGE "vase," carved from a the trunk of a palm tree and imported from Hawaii!!
Stop three on the tour was at this cute little number. It was built in1917 and purchased from the original owner after 75 years.
Ever turn had something to look at. A gazing ball peeks out of the grasses.
A different type of Clematis. Love the "fuzzy" center.
The green ball moved around in the water, so fun to watch. This was fave house one.
Stop number four.
This my friends is a large Agave plant. We had never seen a plant like this! The homeowner also had clippings in pots on the front porch.
Another plant that I was not aware of (where have I been) anyway this is a Cone Hydrangea.
A winding path leads visitors to the backyard and this pretty fountain.
Creative art added whimsy to the landscape. Rest your feet, we will continue the tour soon. ~Keep on Dreaming~