Well February has flown...along with the snow! Today's post is an update post of sorts. Back on Valentine's I made little bubble bags for my kids at school with tags that said "You make my heart pop."
Mr. Ken was in heaven with his Valentine gift. Who could resist nuts and Jelly Belly Jellybeans?
I have been working on "mini" projects around the house. One project was this book shelf. It has held a lot of different types of books since I have had it. I decided that I only wanted it to hold books that I plan to read not a mishmash of books I had read and want to read. I bagged up the ones I didn't want and will be donating.
This little green box got a transformation from a greeting card box to a Pattern box. I wanted to have my patterns in a different place than in one of the drawers in my sewing table. It came with tabbed files that separated the cards by months. I gathered all my patterns, bagged up the ones I will donate, used some of the files and separated my patterns. Now they are centrally located and not crammed in a drawer out of sight. Apparently Blogger decided where this paragraph was going in this post.
This project was a true labor of love because it would not work at all the way I envisioned it. After many trips to several stores and returns, finally used some frames I had. My Father-in-law's birthday is in December, yes that far back...and I wanted to make him a family collage with Mr. Ken and I and his sibling's families. After much stress I finally finished it and am so happy with it!
Sunday I took the guy to a car show. A hall that was the size of three football fields filled with cars, trucks motorcycles and car "stuff." Who could resist that? It was a cold day but it was sunny and it WASN'T snowing! That's what we've been up to. What is up with you? ~Keep on Dreaming~
Here is a fun recipe to share with your Valentine. Eggo Smores 24 Mini Waffles 12 Marshmallows 24 Hershey Chocolate Squares 3 T butter, melted Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking pan with Parchment paper. Place 12 waffles in a single layer bake for 5 minutes. Place 2 pieces of chocolate one marshmallow on on the 12 waffles, then top with the remaining 12 waffles to make sandwiches. Brush tops with the melted butter. Bake 2-3 minutes more or until chocolate and marshmallows are melty. **As you can see by the picture you can use the larger waffles plus chocolate and marshmallows but I think using the smaller waffles would be more "Smore ish." Happy Heart day!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Valentine's Day is second to Christmas as the most celebrated day of the year in the U.S. Valentine's Day is the big time of year for Red Roses. 73% of people who buy flowers for the holiday are men.
Kids age 6-10 exchange more than 650 million cards with their teachers, friends, classmates and family. The people receiving Valentine's cards are Teachers, Kids, Moms, Wives and Sweethearts. Hallmark makes over 1,330 different cards for the holiday.
Verona, the city where Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day. Approx $77.43 is spent on Valentine's Day gifts--give or take a few dollars and cents. About 3% of pet owners will give their pets a gift on Valentine's Day.
Conversation hearts were first made by candy maker NECCO in 1866, at that time they were called Motto Hearts. I believe this year there is a shortage of these but I have seen little Brach's boxes. More than 35 million heart shaped boxes of candy will be sold for Valentine's Day. Men and women prefer chocolate over flowers. Chocolate sales represent 75% or more of Valentine's Day candy purchases. I took Valentine's Day off...little mental health day for me. Will miss our party but... Happy Valentine's to All! Stop back by tomorrow for a Valentine treat recipe. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Happy February... Valentine's is coming up. Where has this month going? So tonight we are watching one of my fave channels. Yes, I am a Hall- mark channel junkie, especially when the holidays roll around. I enjoy these movies because they are lighthearted, easy to watch, and fun. Yes, we all know pretty much how they end but we don't know the path the characters will take to get there. This channel is my escape from the stress of the world around me, I don't have think too much during these movies and that is just fine with me. Do you watch Hallmark? What do you enjoy? ~Keep on Dreaming~