Hi! Hello! Howdee do! As stated in the title for this post, I am still here and I hope you are too! School began on the 8th and I have been running crazy ever since! It has not been the smoothest of starts unfortunately. Hope it smooths out soon. Last week, I was out with an Achilles tendon issue, bought some new tennies and that colored sport tape. Wrapped my foot the rest of the week. It is getting better. What else is going on here, we have been enjoying some awesome sunsets as seen above.
Yesterday we went to a Senior men's baseball game. It was called The Babe Ruth Classic 1920's style.
A Kansas City based men's team split into two teams Kansas City
Blues and Minnesota Millerand played in the classic. Some of the players on each team wore "old school" uniforms. It was hot out but we found a spot in the shade.
This morning we hopped in the car and headed here.
Apples, several varieties and peaches were available for the pickin'.
These were the main reason for our trip. Honeycrisp apples! Not the only thing we picked up though: Peaches Cherries Chow Chow Horseradish Pickles Parmesan Salad Dressing Carmel Dip Great trip! We will resume Vacation posts next time. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! I have been MIA getting things tied up and other things organized so I could return to school knowing that I got some things accomplished this summer. Another post on that soon.
Last week I gave you a sneak peek of our vacation. So we left Kansas and headed North on I-35 towards Des Moines, Iowa. Stopped for lunch here. Great food and a fun atmosphere. After lunch we got back on the road and headed East on I-80.
We made an unplanned stop here. Now, I ask you: "Who could pass up stopping at a place with this title? "Well, not us!! They are not kidding, this place is HUGE! Two floors of retail and food the third floor was for the truck drivers to find some respite from the road. We had soooo much fun here plus it was good to get out and move around.
Here are more pictures of the delightful storm we drove through in La Salle, Illinois.
Mr. Ken loved it but a bit worried, of course he didn't tell me that until we drove out from under it.
Waiting for the train to go into THE WINDY CITY.
Pictures of the big city. The L.
Signs, signs everywhere signs.
Solider Field, home the Chicago Bears. We are riding in a cab, so I had to take the pic FAST!!! : )
One of the awesome views of the city. Stay tuned another vacay post coming soon. ~Keep on Dreaming~