Happy Monday! After a week of ice, snow showers, cold temps and no school for three days plus the holiday last week, we are sunny and in the 50's today! I had a planned day off today and having the sun out has helped the Mojo action here. But today's post is about our bed- room project that seems to have drug out FOREVER! So many glitches here and there, patch work needed from former owners (our room is an add on), paint on the ceiling (not supposed to be there so we decided to paint the ceiling gray like the walls but with a surprise twist, drapes ordered and sent back (wrong ones), two sets of bedding bought then taken back, color scheme has changed once, we have drug ourselves through many so many stores BUT I can say: THE PAINTING IS DONE!!! We have some trim to do and a bit of the ceiling left, WE have decided on bedding AND drapes. We have made those purchases plus new drapery rods but still need to buy wood blinds. There is a lot more light at the end of this very long tunnel. Wowzer!! As soon as we are completely finished and the room is fully decorated I will post pics. We are so close!!! Thank heavens. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello! Well here it is Wednesday again and I just realized it. This month has gone sooooooo fast and I can't seem to keep up. So much has come and gone this month already! Groundhog Day Valentine's Day Ash Wednesday Anniversary of Mr. Ken and I's first date President's Day Plus several more fun things to enjoy before the endof the month. Yesterday we had the day off from school because of icy weather and cold temps. Today we were off again for the same stuff. Less ice but cold temps. Tomorrow doesn't look any better. It's no wonder I don't know what day it is. I'll have pics next time from what we have been up to lately. Oh and by the way we are still painting. It is getting close. Another post on that later. :) ~Keep on Dreaming~
Cupid's Crew was busy again this year. Creativity took place in several places, one being my dining room. Paper, stickers, markers, glue all helped to make Valentine cards for the Valentine's Card Shower.
Leslie at Dandelion Sprinkles helped with her crew.
They were very creative , all so cute. Thanks, Leslie! Love the Dove Chocolates and Valentine cups that came in my package.
These are the ones I made plus the ones my kids at school made.
All boxed and ready to go. Took the bundle of over 50 cards to the post office Saturday with delivery in time for Valentine's Day! I call that SUCCESS. We hope the patients at Children's Mercy Hospital enjoy their Valentine cards. ~Keep on Dreaming~
How do you find balance in your life? We have so much going on right now that I am finding myself coming and going and a lot is not getting accomplished. Hopefully this will be the week! The last two weeks I was two people at school. This week should be better, people have returned to there own positions. The painting is still going on, we are still looking for bedding and drapes. Ordered drapes and the wrong ones were sent. Now waiting on payback from the company. Can't decide on bedding yet. Other things need to be accomplished around the house. We changed Internet providers and that has been a bit of a mess, hence blogging is behind. Both of us are trying hard to find down time but no such luck. As my cousin says on his Facebook posts: "How was your day Grasshopper?" ~Keep on Dreaming~