Hello Everyone!! Enjoying my holiday a lot but wanted to pop in to wish all of my Followers and Readers a... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! May it be filled with happiness, peace, good health and fun with family and friends. See you in the NEW YEAR!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Good Afternoon! Let's continue our White House Tree Tour, shall we? We will begin with First Lady Hillary Clinton. In 1995, Mrs. Clinton chose the theme: "A Visit from Saint Nicholas." The theme was inspired by the book and a family tradition of the President reading the story to Chelsea and then to the school children who visited the White House. The ornaments for this tree came from architects--they were based on the home in the story and needle pointers made stockings to tie in with the phrase" the stockings were hung by the chimney with care." ~~~~~~~~~
In 2001, First Lady Laura Bush's theme plans change somewhat due to 9/11. Her theme: "Home for the Holi- days" took on a stronger signifi- cance due to being at war. But even with the White House closed, tours and parties cancelled and few visitors to the White House, Christmas decorating did go on. It was a white Christmas with shades of pure white, pearl white. off-white and grayish white plus splashes of silver, gold and crystals. White ornaments depicting homes like the Biltmore Mansion in North Carolina and places of worship were contributed by various artists around the country for the Blue Room tree. ~~~~~~~~~
Barack and Michelle Obama came to the White House in 2009 as the President and First Lady. Having never been to the White House and wanting to share it with everyone, the First Lady chose the theme: "Reflect, Rejoice and Renew" which also was a family theme in the Obama household. Being a proponent of healthy eating, Mrs. Obama wanted to incorporate the White House garden into the decor, she also wanted to repurpose existing ornaments from past Christ- mas'. Hundreds of large plastic balls were found in the White House warehouse and these were distributed to sixty community groups to decorate, they were asked to illustrate an important place or monument by decoupaging the ornaments with pictures representing their subject. All total there were 600 ornaments decorated by various groups. Before they were hung on the Blue Room tree the ornaments were strung on blue ribbon that Girl Scouts embroid- ered "reflect, rejoice and renew" in several languages. A wide gold ribbon encircled the tree, culminating in a big bow as the tree topper. There you have it---White House trees through five decades. Hope you have enjoyed these posts, if you missed one scroll backwards. ~Keep on Dreaming~
This is from last year at Union Station here in Kansas City. Hello-- Just popped in to let you know that there will be a delay in our next "First Lady" post. I am running around here like a one arm paper hanger trying to get things ready for the last day of school before break. Please come back tomorrow for today's post. Thanks for understanding. ~Keep on Dreaming~
image: Google In 1989, Mrs Bush went from being the "Second Lady" to "First Lady." Mrs. Bush was the First Lady who wanted to share the White House with everyone and for her that began with Christmas. Mrs. Bush's theme for 1989 was a "Storybook Christmas," which featured popular characters from children's books and it highlighted a favorite cause of hers: literacy. The tree placed in the Blue Room showcased eighty soft sculpture ornaments, including Mary Poppins, the Tin Man, Pinocchio and the Poky Little Puppy. Painted alphabet letters and small books were used as orna- ments. Beneath the tree were books tied with ribbons. Interesting side note--That year Mrs. Bush expanded on a trend that Mrs. Reagan has and that was multiple trees--seventeen to be exact!!! Those trees were decorated with cotton bunting to resemble snow laden trees. We'll continue tomorrow... ~Keep on Dreaming~
Today we are going to get a glimpse of the tree that Mrs. Ford designed during her first year as the First Lady. In 1974, the Ford's came into the presidency after Nixon resigned. In need of a media makeover, Mrs. Ford decided to go with the same traditions the family had at home and continue them in the White House. Known for her thriftiness, Mrs. Ford chose the theme "Patchwork Christmas as her theme. This theme was used for several reasons, stepping away from the former admin- istration, the country was in a horrible recession with long gas lines, and inflation was "Public Enemy Number One" according to the President. So she chose handcrafted ornaments instead of the glitz and bling from the past years. Pastel blue fabric was chosen for the tree in the Blue Room, garlands and bows were made out of it. There were 550 patchwork ornaments made by Appalachian crafters, 600 tiny mirrors, homemade spice sachets of cinnamon and nutmeg, tiny baskets filled with candy or nuts, and carved wooden animal toys were hung on the tree and a quilt was wrapped around the base. Stop by tomorrow for next Presidential tree. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello and Happy Monday to everyone! Over the next week we are going to take a look at five different decades and the First families choice for trees. Several years ago, Mr Ken gave me this book for Christmas. What a fun read it is!!
Back in 1961, Mrs. Kennedy chose the very first White House Christmas theme---The Nutcracker. This theme reflected her love of the ballet, classical music and culture. The majestic Victorian tree was displayed in the Blue Room, with it's great height clearing the ceiling when the star was placed on topped. On the tree were blue ribbons, small artificial candles, there were large snowflakes hanging next to small candy canes, baskets, angels, birds and other animals. Mrs. Kennedy was known for her polish and sophistication and her tree design reflected these things. **Pictures from Google and text information is from the book. Stop by tomorrow and see whose tree is next. ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hi! I can't believe a week has flown by. Last Friday Mr. Ken and I celebrated our 16th anniversary as some of you know, anyway that evening we went to our local Arboretum and enjoyed the Holiday Luminary walk.
The weather was warmer than last year but we were glad to have our big coats as the evening progressed.
The grounds covered-- total 22 acres. We did not walk all 22 acres but we walked and walked.
All the pathways were lit with lots and lots of candles!! Pathways and water- ways had candles.
I think for all of us here in the metro area, we consider this the KC Royals tree.
A very nice guest took our picture for us. On Saturday, we did a little shopping and hanging out.
On Sunday, we went to Crown Center, a "premier family destination" in down- town. There are a variety of activities for the whole family to choose from. We enjoyed a delicious lunch at this lovely restaurant.
I chose the lunch buffet and Mr. Ken had a Caesar salad and lasagna. I posted my choice on Facebook so I didn't post it here. THEN we had a Cannoli and Gelato for dessert.
This is the Mayor's Christmas. It is lit the day after Thanksgiving in Crown Center Square. It is 100 feet tall and lit with thousands of lights and orna- ments.
A beautiful wreath inside the Crown Center shops.
If you look very closely, you will see that this is a ginormous Snow Globe. this is part of the "Downtown Dazzle" Activities. We stood in line and then got to go INSIDE the globe and had our picture taken! It was sooo fun!
These characters were monitoring all of the guests waiting in line for their turns to go in the globe. Another fun anniversary and now we are onto the next. Look for me on Facebook if I am not here. (Melinda Lickteig) ~Keep on Dreaming~
Yes, I am still around and I hope you are too!!! It is that time of year--so much going on. As most of you know, yesterday was "Giving Tuesday." The day that we are asked to "give" to our favorite charity. Today I would like to suggest other recipients for our giving this holiday season. Animal shelters--old towels and blankets Women's shelters--toiletries, women's and children's clothing. Plus size clothing for women is usually in high need, books and art supplies for the kids. Please check with your local shelter for their "needs" list. Homeless shelters-Again check with those in our area for their particular needs. Usually clothes, socks shoes and toiletries are a high need. Local libraries usually have book donation drop offs Check with your local child care centers and elementary schools to see what they are in need of. Small centers usually are in need of art supplies and classroom supplies etc. Last but not least--- Those RED KETTLES that are seen all over at this time of year. Mr.Ken and I get the biggest kick out of dropping our dollars into the kettles we see. If you are feeling really generous buy the bell ringer a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, they'll appreciate it-especially if it cold. Take the time to give when and where you can. Someone you don't know will thank you!!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~