Tuesday, September 30, 2014
H is for...
Here we are: H day!
H is for...
Hot Chocolate
Don't you love this toasty
drink on a cold day?
Do you put marshmallows in
yours, cinnamon stick?
Me, I am a straight up kind a
We use the Swiss Miss version
most of the time but I have used
the homemade version too.
H is for...
Love, love, love a good
hayride. Not the haunted
kind. Just your regular ol'
grilled hot dogs, chips and
hay ride fun.
H is for...
What can be said? A fun day
for kids and kids at heart.
A holiday wrapped around candy
and fun. Oh yea!
But always BE SAFE!!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, September 29, 2014
G is for...
G is for...
It is a fruit by definition but
it is mostly used as a veggie.
Do you eat it or decorate with
G is for...
We will be heading on to
H tomorrow.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Sunday, September 28, 2014
F is for...
F is for...
Festivals and Fairs
Most of you know that we have
alot of these here in the Kansas
City area.
Here in Lenexa we start the Fall
off with the Lenexa Spinach Festival.
A fun time celebrating the "Spinach
Capital of the World." Back in the
day Belgium farmers planted tons
of Spinach and a "capital" was born.
Popeye and Olive Oil always make
an appearance.
Lots and lots of craft and food
booths. The Lenexa Historical
Society sponsors the spinach
food booth. One can find spinach
pizza, wraps, dips, cupcakes and
the "world's LARGEST spinach
Plus bounce houses, face painting,
pole fishing and much more for
the kids.
Last Sunday we went to the
Plaza Art Fair.
Fun for the kids.
The Nelson Art Gallery's
new exhibit announcement.
Beautiful glass art work.
This is one of our favorite
artists. He sculpts from
bronze and each one take
30 hours to sculpt. Look
closely--you can see her
shadow behind her. High
dollar stuff here.
One of the four music stages.
Look who came to the fair.
F is for...
One of my absolute faves
of Fall!! Pro or college I
am there!
Happy Sunday!
Tomorrow is G .
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, September 27, 2014
E is for...
E is for...
Extra sleep
When we "fall back" as
daylight saving time ends
we attempt to get some
extra sleep.
It doesn't always work but
we try.
(Remember yesterday, I
said this would stretch
your imagination.)
Tomorrow is F.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, September 26, 2014
D is for...
D is for...
Dancing leaves
I love to watch the leaves dance
in the wind, often wondering
where they will end up. NOW
if I am raking, this DOES NOT
apply! :)
D is for...
Daylight Saving Time Ending
This takes place in early November.
D is for...
No not the kind that goes with
chips. I am referring to when
the temperatures take a dip.
One day it is warm and the
next has a bit of a bite to it.
Have a wonderful first week-
end of Fall! We will continue
tomorrow with E and I will
tell you now it will be a
stretch of the imagination.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, September 25, 2014
C is for...
C is for...
Brach's Autumn Mix
Brach's Mix with the
moons in it
Mini Kit Kat Bars
Hershey's Minitures
Me likey candy! Yum!
C is for...
With crackers &cheese
or cornbread. Everyone
makes their chili different
so I am not posting a recipe.
Something different about
our chili is that I use Pork
and Beans. I am not a fan
of beans, when I was little
this was how my Mom
made it.
What makes your chili
different from others?
C is for...
Louisburg Cider Mill
is located south of us
and we can buy their
cider there or at our
grocery stores.
I know a lot of you
like cider, me not so
much. Never acquired
a taste for it. BUT...
hot cider donuts from
the cider mill---Oh yea!
Do you like cider?
Friday is D day so
come on by.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
B is for...
B is for...
They are great in the Fall,
cozy up and enjoy. Toast some
marshmallows and have some
smores. Oh yea! Great activity
for the family or a party!
B is for ...
Barn Sales
Love a good Fall Barn Sale.
We have one coming up and
I can't wait! Driving through
the country and seeing
what's for sale.
B is for ...
What kinds of things do
you bake in the Fall?
We'll do it again tomorrow
for letter C.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
A is for...
A is for Autumn---
The origin of the word comes
from the Latin "autumnus."
Harvest was the English name
for the season until autumn
displaced it in the 16th century.
Here in the US we flip between
"Fall" and "Autumn." I most
usually use Fall when I am talking
about the season. How about YOU?
A is for Apples---
There are so many varieties of
apples today and and not all parts
of the country have the same kind.
My faves are Golden Delicious and
Pink Lady. What is yours?
One can make many things with
apples and one of them is...
Slow Cooker Applesauce
In a 5-6 qt slow cooker, toss
together 6 lb Gala apples (about
12 peeled, cored, and cut into
1/2 in pieces), a 2 inch piece
of fresh ginger (peeled and grated)
and 1 cinnamon stick.
Cook until the apples break down
when stirred, 7-8 hours on low
5-6 hours on high. Stir in 1 tsp.
pure vanilla extract.
Makes 8 cups
Recipe from Women's Day
October 2014 issue
Stop by tomorrow for B.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Monday, September 22, 2014
A Season of Change
Ladies and Gentlemen drumroll
please! Summer is coming to an
end and Fall is at it's door.
Here in the Midwest Fall will
arrive at 9:29 p.m. !!!
Beginning tomorrow I will be
doing a new series:
"ABC's of Fall". Come back
tomorrow for letter A.
Happy Fall Everyone!!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Out and About
Today we went to a Garden
Fair here-aka: Loose Park.
The 75 acre park is located
in the heart of the city.
The land once saw the Battle
of Westport. When the park
was purchased in 1927, by
Ella Loose it was part of the
Kansas City Golf Club. Miss
Loose purchased the land so
that it could be turned into a
park to honor her husband.
This is some of the beautiful land-
scaping throughout the park.
The fair had several exhibits inside
the Garden Center.
So pretty!
Aren't these stunning?
The "butterfly lady" was
there with her great
butterfly house.
If you were to say "Loose Park"
to a resident of the city or
surrounding cities, the first
thing out of their moths would
be "Roses!" The park is well
known for their beautiful Rose
Garden. Brides sign up months
maybe years in advance to have
their wedding at the park.
Some of my bridal photos were
taken here almost 15 years ago.
Here are some of the beauties.
I was very surprised to see so
many roses still in bloom!
There are 4,000 roses of 168
varieties in the garden. The
rose garden was established
in 1931.
The fountain was so pretty!
This was attached to one of the
pillars leading toward the fountain.
Downstairs in the Garden Center was
a book sale. You know me--I was there!
Each of the hardbound books were 3
bucks a piece and the magazines were
10 for $1. Bargains!
One of the books I pick up is called
"Garden Junk" A fun one this is going to
be! It has great ideas for using "fun stuff"
in your garden. I thought the cashier was
going to take it!
Oh yes, the standard "selfie"
of us. I'm doing better with
getting both of us in the viewer.
Hope you enjoyed strolling the
grounds of one of the most
popular historical parks here in
Kansas City.
~Keep on Dreaming~
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday has arrived
at Dreaming and I am doing it
with a twist--my way. :)
Me above 15 years ago. Long hair
and younger. :) Getting ready for
my first day of school.
Me at the beginning of this
school year. Short hair and
older. Not sure how much
wiser but ... :)
A veteran. Never thought
I would be at this job for
almost 15 years!
What were you up to 15
years ago?
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Did YOU Know?
Did you know that the Morton Salt girl
is celebrating her 100th birthday? She
is looking pretty good for being 100
don't you think? She got an updated
logo and a new package design.
Soooo in honor of this festive occasion
I am going to give you 10 ideas for
using salt in and around your house.
1--Clean grease stains from rugs.
2--Remove watermarks from wood.
3--Keep windows and windshields
frost free.
4--End the ant parade.
5--Freshen your garbage disposal
6-Remove baked on food.
7--Speed clean up of messy dough.
8--Speed up cooking time.
9--Shell hard boiled eggs with ease.
10--Stop weeds in their tracks.
I found these ideas at Reader's
Digest.com--Over 60 Ways to Use
Salt. Or use your friend Google.
I did not write all the descriptions
due to length of some so if you see
something that interests you go
ahead and look it up.
There are some very interesting uses
I bet you thought I was going to tell
you to use it on your food. :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
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