Welcome to garden two on our tour. This lovely home was purchased 46 years ago, with no place for the children to play, the backyard was transformed by an 85 year old land- scape expert some 40 years ago! This gardener has worked on several Kansas City gardens and our very own Shawnee Mission Park. This garden is mostly in the shade so or course most of the plants are shade lovers. This is a picture heavy post as it is my favorite garden on the tour. Please don't let that deter you, I think you will enjoy the pictures.
As you walk up the drive, you are invited to sit and enjoy the scenery. Such a cute sitting area!
As you go down the sidewalk to the front door you will find this whimsical vinette. The fairy on the tire swing just cracked me up!
Love the birdcage.
One fun way to hang a plant.
A different use for a iron basket.
A creative way to use a very small area. The homeowner enjoys taking window frames and putting mirrors in them. She has them in several places around the backyard.
So pretty!
Fun color scheme.
Loved the patio area. The table and the rolling cart were set for a garden lunch. In the background of each picture you can see how flower boxes were used.
I want one of these carts!!!!!
A new use for a birdbath.
Shhh...you are now in the SECRET GARDEN. This garden came about when the homowners found out they need to move their back fence. She has made several fairy gardens there, I took a lot of pictures but only posted two--I think you can tell what is going on.
Such fun!!!!!
At the end of the Secret Garden was another mirrored window and a fun birdbath. I think the reason I enjoyed this garden so much because it wasn't stuffy.There was a lot of fun here!! ~Keep on Dreaming~
It's trivia time! The pencils are nubs, there are no more crayons to color with, all the glue is gone and all of the paper has been used. School is out for the summer! On that note we are going to have some fun with letters today.
I am going to test your knowledge, below are several questions for you to answer--answer them in your head or you can write them down. The anwers will be at the end but... DO NOT PEEK! 1. What does the second "A" in NASA mean? 2. What does the "E" in GEICO stand for? 3. What does the "S" stand for in NASCAR? 4. The "P" in ESPN is for ? 5. What does the "H" mean in VHS? 6. What does the "S" stand for in M*A*S*H? 7. Forgetting where you are, you order a QPC at KFC. What did you order and from where? ********************** 1. Administration 2. Employees 3. Stock 4. Programming 5. Home 6. Surgical 7. You have ordered a Quarter Pounder with Cheese at Mc Donald's. :) How did you do? ~Keep on Dreaming~
and recognizes those you have served and those that continue to serve our country. We thank YOU for keeping us safe! Happy Memorial Day! ~Keep on Dreaming~
Last Saturday Mr. Ken and I went on one of our favorite garden tours. It is held every other spring. At the first garden we were greeted by the big man above.
To me, this garden was mostly about the landscaping and updating that the homeowners have accomplished over the three years they have lived in the house.
When they bought the home, the backyard was mostly grass and a lot of overgrown Ivy and yews by the pool. If you look closely at the pic above you will see a stand-there were several scattered around the yard. the stands held "before pics" of what the area looked like they started making changes.
In and around the backyard there were several art type pieces. The homeowners added these to "enhance the beauty of the plants."
Some pretties. The pool area was edged with a variety of plants some that bloom and some that stay green.
They were two of the raised garden beds. Each side mirrored the other. There were herbs, flowers and vegetables growing each bed. Looking at the pic, you can see gravel paths in the beds and between each one. I will tell you right now. that I was so envious of these. I need these at our house. When I mentioned this to Mr. Ken he said "Better get busy building" said with a big grin on his face. I told him " no, you build them for me" said with a big grin on my face. Next Wednesday we will be off to garden 2. Stay tuned. Sorry I am behind with this post but I was unable to do a post last night. We had field day, the all school picnic AND a farewell reception after school, needless to say I was WORN OUT! Tomorrow is a half day and then we are DONE for the summer! ~Keep on Dreaming~
I know some watch tv and some don't. Some watch variety tv and some don't. Mr. Ken and I watch a little bit of it when we are at home. Let's talk competition shows today. I enjoy Dancing with the Stars and we both enjoy The Voice. We don't watch American Idol anymore. Dancing with the Stars began in 2005. They have had one host and four co-hosts over the years. They have three judges that sometimes rotate during the season with a guest judge. This year they decided to kick the show up notches by changing the musicians and co-host. They were looking to draw a younger audience. Whether that has worked remains to be seen. They have been picked up for another season. The final is this evening. We'll see who gets the mirror ball tonight. The Voice and Idol are singing competitions where contestants compete to get to the finals. The Voice began in 2011and is on season 6. Season 7 is around the corner. They had/ have 8 judges that change for each season. The host may change next season according to the rumor mill. We like this show mucho better than Idol because the judges are more friendly with the contestants but give criticism in a way that helps them. Tonight we will find out who "The Voice" will be. Idol began in 2002, it is a singing competition show also. The ultimate end is the final. The have/had 11 judges and one host over the various seasons. We tried to watch this season but just couldn't do it. Tonight we will find out who the Idol is. I know I have written this as if you have no idea what these shows are and there may be someone who doesn't, so I gave a bit of trivia for each. Do you watch any of these shows? ~Keep on Dreaming~
Hello Everyone! I am a little behind on posting due to school finishing up for the year and the awesome weather we had this weekend. This week may be the same. School's out for the summer on Friday!!!!!!! I CANNOT wait. We are going to be soooo busy at school I'm not sure if we will know which end is up. So forgive me if I am absent for a few days, I will try my best to post. This weekend's weather was PERFECT! Comfortable temperatures, a little breeze and SUN, SUN, SUN! Yester- day we went on a Garden Tour, we toured six beautiful gardens around town. There WILL be posts on the tour--don't worry. Today we went to the garden center and picked up some more flowers-can't have enough of them, pepper plants, tomato plants-salsa anyone? We came home and spent the WHOLE day outside. Mr. Ken planted the peppers and the tomatoes in the garden and I planted the flowers in containers. Mr. Ken also mowed the yard and I helped clean the driveway and front porch. Do you have those helicoper things that the Maple trees drop? We have a billion of them and they are diving me crazy. They are everywhere! It was so nice to be out side. We also enjoyed dinner on our deck. How was your weekend? ~Keep on Dreaming~
Remember this nifty little gadget? (See my post on March 26th.) For the "newbies"... back in March I bought my friend here. A gal I work with has one (different than mine) and she tracks her steps with a group at her church. Well, I became curious and wondered "just how many steps did I take a day." As of today with the total from March up to last night I have -- Taken 362,629 steps Gone 144.88 miles Burned 24,016 calories Each night I write my daily totals down. Woo hoo! School keeps me busy, so it will be interesting to see what my totals will be over summer break. I'll have it on don't you fret. On May 19th I will have had my friend for two months. You would be surprised how you will push yourself to get those totals you want. If I am shy of the 10,000 steps, you can find me walking my hall or around the kitchen just to get there! ~Keep on Dreaming~
I went for something a little different for the gift.
Ta-Da, it's a picnic basket with a big turquoise(ie) blingy bow! That was fun to make, cause I ended up blue glitter all over the place in our hotel room plus on me too! The liner is in blues, greens and yellows.
Inside, we filled the basket with all things "pinicky". A tablecloth, four reusable plates in blues and yellows, 4 clear plastic tumbler glasses, paper napkins, clear plastic wear, wipes, hand sanitizer, a food tent, glow sticks (for fun), a first aid kit, A can opener/corkscrew and an ice pack.
Happy picnicing to the newlyweds! If you missed the wedding post, go back one post. ~Keep on Dreaming~