Sunday, September 29, 2013
We're going to the Zoo
On September 21st we
took a trip to the Kansas
City Zoo. It was Employee
Appreciation Day for the
county that Ken works for.
Our zoo has gone through
many transformations over
the years.
It was interesting so see all
of the changes. So different
from when I was a small
One of the big draws to
the zoo is Nakita our Polar
Bear AND he has a friend
Berlin but she was not out
due to being pregnant. Soon
we will have a baby bear to
see. Nakita is 6 years old and
still growing!
Sorry we are sideways.
Nakita is in the left pane,
right above the second
person from the left on
the front row.
It was so fun to watch him
swim around and then come
up from under water and fling
himself backwards then do it
all over again!
Check out those paws!
(Ignore the "paw" that
flew up as I clicked the
Soon we will have penguins
to see also! They are getting
their own place that will be
opening later this year!
We got to ride the Carousel
free that day! We couldn't
Brother, sister-in-law and
niece. My brother-in-law
works for the county too.
Oh, to be a kid again!
Aren't they cute? I think
these are one of the
varieties of Tamarin
Our zoo is divided into two
areas-Africa or Australia.
Both are large areas so
most guests decide which
Continent to visit then go to
the opposite one on another
We chose Africa for our visit.
You can walk to it or take the
tram. We opted for the tram
due to some of having mobility
Mr. Cheeta. He refused to turn
Nap time for Mr. Lepoard.
He was up above us.
I don't have the name for
these, but they were not
shy. They came right up
to the fence and one
could pet them!
Do you like my hair do?
Shhhh....Don't wake the Gorilla!
and... of course you knew
there had to be an elephant
in Africa right?
It was a beautiful day for
a trip to the zoo and time
spent with family!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, September 27, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Are you Ready?
"Holy madness Batman,"
there are only 98 days
left in the year!
We better get started on
our holiday(s) preparations!!!
What are you going to be
for Halloween??? :)
~Keep on Dreaming~
Friday, September 20, 2013
A Day in the Park--Part 2
Here we are back
in the garden,
resuming our tour.
Our next display is
probably my favorite
of all of the displays.
Isn't she a beauty?
Doesn't she look like
she is ready to take
off in flight? This
display was made
with 37,481 bricks
Moving farther into
the gardens we came
upon a "garden
Mr. Garden worker
is made of 37, 497
bricks. He seems
pretty serious about
his job.
Over by one of the
larger fountains we
found this hanging out.
This pretty display
is made of 6,535 bricks.
It was somewhat hidden
and we almost missed
As we continued on
these two were out
and about. Shh...
The rabbit is made
from 1,361 bricks.
The sly fox is made
from 17, 457 bricks.
I hope the rabbit knows
who is behind him!
The next displays are
As you can imagine
they were out in the
The Bison mother is
made from 45, 143
I could not resist taking
a picture of the bird
perched on the rear
of the Bison. (There was
not a count listed for this)
On the other side of Mom
was the calf. It was made
of 16, 229 pieces.
They both look like they
are grazing in the field.
Bzzzzzzz....Look out!
Above your head. We
found this in the snack
pavillion. Maybe it was
The bee is made with
16, 383 bricks.
What fun these were
to look at!
If you missed Part One,
you can find it here.
We have one more part
to this series so stay tuned!
~Keep on Dreaming~
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
I'm So Excited!!!
Fall is right around the corner!
It will arrive on Sunday at 4:44
I am soooo looking forward to
it's arrival!!
Some of the things I most enjoy
about Fall is:
*Apple Dishes
*Comfort Food
*Pretty Leaves
*Fall TV
and DRUM ROLL please:
What is your thought on
the season change?
~Keep on Dreaming~
Saturday, September 14, 2013
A Day in the Garden--Part 1
On Labor Day, Mr. Ken
and I took a day trip to
Kingsville, Missouri.
It is located approx. 30
miles from Kansas City.
Kingsville is home to
Powell Gardens, a not-
for-profit botanical
garden. (More about the
garden in the last post)
Other than the obvious,
the reason for going to
the garden was the LEGO
sculptures / displays.
Throughout the gardens
there were 27 sculptures,
14 displays and 500,000
individual LEGO bricks used
by atrist Sean Kenney. Mr.
Kenney is one of 14 people
in the world to become
a Certified LEGO Professional.
Mr. Kenney describes himself
as "a professional kid", now
wouldn't THAT be fun? Learn
more about the artist at
Our first stop begins in the
Visitor's Center with this
There are 2,300 pieces in
this display.
Next is a replica of the
Marjorie Powell Alan Chapel.
The actual chapel has played
host to many weddings over
the years.
The LEGO total for this
sculpture was not given.
Upon leaving the Visitor's
Center we saw this hanging
out in the flowers.
This beauty was made
with 31,565 pieces.
Moving down the path, quietly
hanging out was this.
15,581 pieces were used to
make this display.
Going on farther, we found
that someone had left this
I think Mr. Ken thought it was
real. Shh... :) 13,704 pieces
were used to make this very
realistic lawn mower.
A ways down the path and
around the bend, we arrived
The Koi fish (look in the
middle off to the right a
teesy bit) is made with
1,937 pieces.
The water platters were
made with 10.598 pieces.
It was a little hard to tell
which platter were real
or LEGOS. You had to look
really hard!
Our last stop for today
(there is more coming
so stop back by) is this
The rose was made with
41, 242 pieces.
This was so much fun!
There will be two more
posts in this series:
2---More LEGO sculptures
3 The Garden
These will be "Pop-up"
posts so stay tuned to
this blog channel!
~Keep on Dreaming~
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