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We are going to test your trivia
knowledge this evening.
Keep track of your answers and
let us know how many you got
correct in the comments section.
1-What sense is the most likely
linked to memory?
2-What were the names of the
Cartright sons?
3-What woman was arrested
for voting in the 1872 election
for President?
4-How many rings are there on
a five-zone archery target?
5-What's the top selling campus
snack according to the American
Association of College Stores?
6-What weekday do more colds
begin on?
7-What was Rhoda's maiden name?
8-What are Simon, Alvin and
9-How many colors in a rainbow?
10-What is a populare card game
1-Smell, 2-Adam, Hoss, Joe, 3-Susan
B. Anthony, 4-4, 5-Oreo Cookies,
6-Monday, 7-Morgenstern, 8-
Chipmunks, 9-7 and 10-Poker
How did you do???
~Keep on Dreaming~